BC-001 OÜ
Date of report 31.03.2025
BC-001 OÜ
Former names
- OK-Investment OÜ
- OK-Investment OÜ
- BC-001 OÜ
- juriidilised toimingud
BC-001 OÜ
Scores and ratings
Reputation score
Credit Score
Open the reports you want to print
Employees and salaries
BC-001 OÜ
Employee taxes and performance analysisQuarter | Labor taxes paid | Number of employees | Turnover Per Employee | Profit per employee |
2022 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2021 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2021 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2021 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2021 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2020 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2020 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2020 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2020 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2019 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2019 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2019 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2019 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2018 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2018 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2018 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2018 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 IV | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 III | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 II | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 I | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
Deciders and beneficiaries
BC-001 OÜ
Former decision-makers......
Credit Score: Neutral
Reputation score: 6420
Date of birth: ......
Active relations 15
Credit Score: Neutral
Reputation score: 6420
Date of birth: ......
Active relations 15
Credit Score: Trustworthy
Reputation score: 420
Date of birth: ......
Active relations 7
BC-001 OÜ
History of right of representationBC-001 OÜ
OwnersFormer owners
BC-001 OÜ
Other related partiesFormer other persons
Name | Credit Score | Part | Beginning |
...... | ...... |
BC-001 OÜ
Subsidiaries and associatesFormer subsidiaries and associates
Finances and assets
BC-001 OÜ
Taxes paid and estimated average salariesBC-001 OÜ
Quarterly indicatorsQuarter | Turnover | Taxed turnover | Labour productivity | Labour productivity | Employees | National taxes | Labor taxes |
2017 IV | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 III | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 II | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2017 I | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 IV | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 III | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 II | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2016 I | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 IV | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 III | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 II | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
2015 I | * ...... | ...... | * ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... | ...... |
BC-001 OÜ
Financial indicators and prognosisBC-001 OÜ
Financial raiting: "SATISFACTORY" (2021 prognosis)BC-001 OÜ
Annual reportsYear | Period | Submitted | Report PDF |
2020 | 01.01.2020–31.12.2020 | 22.06.2021 | ...... |
2019 | 01.01.2019–31.12.2019 | 22.06.2021 | ...... |
2018 | 01.01.2018–31.12.2018 | 22.06.2021 | ...... |
2017 | 01.01.2017–31.12.2017 | 22.06.2021 | ...... |
2016 | 01.01.2016–31.12.2016 | 26.02.2018 | ...... |
2015 | 01.01.2015–31.12.2015 | 11.01.2018 | ...... |
2014 | 01.01.2014–31.12.2014 | 21.12.2017 | ...... |
Liabilities and debts
BC-001 OÜ
Credit score history and prognosis... €
Business risk classes:
Trustworthy NeutralBC-001 OÜ
Reports and assets-liabilities overview 05.01.2022BC-001 OÜ
Claims historyTotal debt claims: ...... €
...... | ...... |
BC-001 OÜ
Income (turnover) and expenditure (taxes paid)Quarter | Turnover | Taxed turnover | National taxes paid | Labor taxes paid | Number of employees |
2017 IV | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2017 III | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2017 II | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2017 I | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2016 IV | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2016 III | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2016 II | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2016 I | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2015 IV | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2015 III | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2015 II | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
2015 I | * ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... € | ...... |
BC-001 OÜ
Bailiff's enforcement proceedings as of 05.01.2022Bailiff's enforcement proceedings MISSING
BC-001 OÜ
Regulations of the Payment Order Department as of 05.01.2022Regulations of the Payment Order Department MISSING
BC-001 OÜ
Court orders in the register as of 05.01.2022Kandemäärus muu kohtulahendi täitmiseks
Regulation number: Ä 10121635 / 10
Regulation status has entered into force: 01.06.2021
Date of enforcement of order or additional period: 01.06.2021
Regulation status: Jõustunud
Määruse avalik kättetoimetamine AT-s
Regulation number: Ä 10121635 / M10
Regulation status has entered into force: 22.04.2021
Date of enforcement of order or additional period: 22.04.2021
Regulation status: Jõustunud
Trahvihoiatusmäärus: majandusaasta aruanne esitamata
Regulation number: Ä 10121635 / M9
Regulation status has entered into force: 21.06.2021
Date of enforcement of order or additional period: 19.03.2021
Regulation status: Puudused kõrvaldatud
BC-001 OÜ
Decisions of the Consumer Disputes Committee as of 05.01.2022Consumer disputes MISSING
BC-001 OÜ
Court hearings as of 05.01.2022Court hearings MISSING
BC-001 OÜ
Rulings as of 05.01.2022Kohtumäärus tsiviilasjas nr 2-13-18617/9
Tallinna Ringkonnakohus
Related companies: | |
Number of the case: | 2-13-18617/9 |
Type of procedure: | Tsiviilasi |
Court: | Tallinna Ringkonnakohus |
Type of solution: | Kohtumäärus |
Solution subcategory: | - |
Composition of the Court: | Margo Klaar, Ele Liiv, Pavel Gontšarov |
Commencement of the Court case: | 24.04.2013 |
Type of procedure: | Määruskaebusmenetlus |
Commencement of proceedings: | 26.06.2013 |
Court case category: | Ühinguõigus |
Keyword: | - |
Court decision date: | 17.07.2013 |
Entry into force: | 17.07.2013 |
Dissenting opinion: | |
ECLI identifier: ? |
ECLI:EE:TLRK:2013:2.13.18617.19450 |
BC-001 OÜ
Notices and announcements as of 05.01.2022Notice of liquidation proceedings of a private limited company
Avaldamise lõpp: tähtajatu
Võlausaldajatele teatatakse BC-001 OÜ (likvideerimisel) likvideerimismenetlusest.
Võlausaldajatel palume esitada oma nõuded nelja kuu jooksul käesoleva teate avaldamisest (ÄS § 212 lg 3). aadressil L.Koidula 4/2-3 Tallinn, e-post edikte@edikte.ee
Andemed tel.5014261, e-post edikte@edikte.ee
Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, Valgevase tn 1
E-post: spam@invest.ee
pankrotihaldur Raivo Piirla
Telefon: 5014261
E-post: edikte@edikte.ee
Notice of service of a decision of the registration department of a court
Avaldamise lõpp: 22.10.2021
Kohus toimetab isikule, BC-001 OÜ (registrikood: 11543778), avalikult kätte 19.03.2021 määruse nr Ä 10121635 / M9 väljavõtte:
Avaldada väljaandes Ametlikud Teadaanded järgmise sisuga avalikult Tartu Maakohtu registriosakonna 19.03.2021 määruse Ä 10121635 / M9 väljavõte:
1.xa0Anda ettevõtjale BC-001 OÜ (likvideerimisel, registrikood 11543778) ja likvideerijale Oleg Kuzmin (isikukood 37009300298) 2017., 2018. ja 2019. aasta majandusaasta aruannete esitamiseks tähtaeg 30 päeva arvates määruse kättetoimetamisest.
2. Majandusaasta aruanne tuleb esitada ka juhul, kui äriühing on likvideerimisel.
3. Tähtajaks puuduste kõrvaldamata jätmise korral võib kohus trahvida äriühingut ja kõiki aruande esitamiseks kohustatud isikuid s.o likvideerijat 200 kuni 3200 euro ulatuses.
4. Trahvi tasumine ei vabasta kohustuse täitmisest. Kui kohustust pärast trahvi määramist ei täideta, võib trahvimist korrata.
5. Majandusaasta aruande elektroonilist esitamist ettevõtjaportaali kaudu aadressil: https://www.rik.ee/et/ettevotjaportaal nõustab kasutajatugi telefonil: +372 6696609 ning e-maili teel: ekanded@rik.ee.
Ettevõttele tehtud määrusega on võimalik tutvuda ettevõtjaportaali http://www.rik.ee/ kaudu või notari juures (https://www.notar.ee/et/notarid/nimekiri).
19.03.2021 määruse Ä 10121635 / M9 peale ei saa esitada määruskaebust
Dokument loetakse avalikult kättetoimetatuks 15 päeva möödumisel väljavõtte väljaandes Ametlikud Teadaanded ilmumise päevast.
Pikk 32, 44307 Rakvere
Telefon: 601 1166
E-post: registriosakond@kohus.ee
Business network
BC-001 OÜ
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