2021 SPV OÜ
Date of report 28.03.2025
2021 SPV OÜ
Former names
- 2021 SPV OÜ
- valdusfirmade tegevus
2021 SPV OÜ
Scores and ratings
Reputation score
Credit Score
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Employees and salaries
Deciders and beneficiaries
2021 SPV OÜ
Former decision-makers......
Credit Score: Trustworthy
Reputation score: 18990
Date of birth: ......
Active relations 22
Credit Score: Trustworthy
Reputation score: 27940
Date of birth: ......
Active relations 67
2021 SPV OÜ
History of right of representation2021 SPV OÜ
OwnersFormer owners
Finances and assets
2021 SPV OÜ
Taxes paid and estimated average salaries2021 SPV OÜ
Financial indicators and prognosis2021 SPV OÜ
Financial raiting: "SATISFACTORY" (2021 prognosis)2021 SPV OÜ
Annual reportsAnnual reports MISSING
Liabilities and debts
2021 SPV OÜ
Credit score history and prognosis... €
Business risk classes:
Trustworthy Neutral2021 SPV OÜ
Reports and assets-liabilities overview 10.02.20222021 SPV OÜ
Claims historyTotal debt claims: ...... €
...... | ...... |
2021 SPV OÜ
Bailiff's enforcement proceedings as of 10.02.2022Bailiff's enforcement proceedings MISSING
2021 SPV OÜ
Regulations of the Payment Order Department as of 10.02.2022Regulations of the Payment Order Department MISSING
2021 SPV OÜ
Court orders in the register as of 10.02.2022Puuduste kõrvaldamise määrus
Regulation number: Ä 50179231 / M1
Regulation status has entered into force: 28.07.2021
Date of enforcement of order or additional period: 28.07.2021
Regulation status: Puudused kõrvaldatud
2021 SPV OÜ
Decisions of the Consumer Disputes Committee as of 10.02.2022Consumer disputes MISSING
2021 SPV OÜ
Court hearings as of 10.02.2022Court hearings MISSING
2021 SPV OÜ
Rulings as of 10.02.2022Court settlemets MISSING
2021 SPV OÜ
Notices and announcements as of 10.02.2022Announcements MISSING
Business network
2021 SPV OÜ
Business networkSign in
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Beneficiaries network
2021 SPV OÜ
Networks - BeneficiariesSign in
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Monitoring events
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