SCROOGE FROG OÜ hetkeolukord
Already 1,536 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 2 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.3 points but has not been commented.
's activity report 2022
Scrooge Frog OÜ was established on 18.07.2014. The company's main activity is advertising mediation in the media.
No investments were made in fixed assets during the financial year.
Revenues, expenses and profit
A profit of 172 470 euros and sales revenue of 2 214 339 euros were earned during this period.
As of December 2022, the company has three employees.
Goals for the next financial year
In the following 2023 financial year, the plan is to continue in the same field of activity, with a forecasted turnover growth of about 30 %.
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