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RGR AIRON OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 4452 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 491 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 3,8 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 9 korda.

Tegevusaruanne 2022

2022. aastal oli OÜ RGR AIRON põhitegevuseks lehtmetallist detailide väljalõikamine vee-, gaasi- ja plasmaseadmete abil ning metalli painutamine.

Jätkasime täiendavate teenuste arendamist: metalli sirgendamine, aukude puurimine, äärikute lõikamine, detailide valtsimine ning metallikonstruktsioonide kokkupanek ja keevitus.

2022. aasta suurtest investeeringutest soetas ettevõte uusi sõidu- ja veoautosid (180 tuhat eurot).

RGR Airon OU eesmärgid järgmiseks majandusaastaks on suunatud müügimahtude suurendamisele siseturul ja välisturul, samuti teenuste mahu laiendamine. Selleks plaanime 2023. aastal osta laserlõikepingi tootjalt Microstep (480 tuhat eurot).

OÜ RGR Airon peamised finantssuhtarvud: 2022 2021

Käiberentaablus (ROS) 0,079 0,076

Varade rentaablus (ROA) 0,173 0,146

Omakapitali rentaablus(ROE) 0,271 0,264

Maksevõime üldine tase 1,6 1,3 (cid:127) Käiberentaablus(ROS) = puhaskasum/netomüügikäive (cid:127) Varade rentaablus(ROA) = puhaskasum/varad (cid:127) Omakapitali rentaablus(ROE) = puhaskasum/omakapital (cid:127) Maksevõime üldine tase = käibevara/lühiajalised kohustused

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How can RGR Airon's sheet metal processing services benefit your business?

Are you looking for a reliable partner for your sheet metal processing needs? Look no further than RGR Airon, one of the leading companies in the industry with
Are you looking for a reliable partner for your sheet metal processing needs? Look no further than RGR Airon, one of the leading companies in the industry with over 20 years of experience. Specializing in shape cutting of sheet metal components using oxygen-plasma CNC cutting machines, RGR Airon has established itself as a stable and reliable partner for companies operating in various industries including construction, oil and gas, machine-building, and shipbuilding. With one of the biggest CNC cutting machinery fleets in Estonia, RGR Airon has the capacity to handle both small and

What are the benefits of using Waterjet CNC cutting technology for your metal fabrication needs?

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient cutting method for your metal fabrication needs, you should consider waterjet CNC cutting technology. It has bec
If you are looking for a reliable and efficient cutting method for your metal fabrication needs, you should consider waterjet CNC cutting technology. It has become increasingly popular in the metal fabrication industry due to its versatility and precision. Waterjet cutting is capable of cutting a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, composites, and more. This technology uses a high-pressure jet of water and abrasive materials to cut through the material with high precision, creating clean and accurate cuts. One of the main benefits of waterjet CNC cutting

How to revolutionize your sheet metal fabrication with Oxy-Fuel CNC cutting technology?

When it comes to sheet metal fabrication, precision and efficiency are key. That\'s why RGR Airon OÜ offers oxy-fuel CNC cutting technology to revolutionize the
When it comes to sheet metal fabrication, precision and efficiency are key. That\'s why RGR Airon OÜ offers oxy-fuel CNC cutting technology to revolutionize the way you approach sheet metal cutting. With this advanced technology, we can provide you with accurate and high-quality cuts on a variety of materials, including steel and aluminum. Oxy-fuel CNC cutting is a thermal cutting process that uses a mixture of oxygen and fuel gas to create a flame that melts the metal. This technology allows us to cut thicker materials than traditional plasma cutting, making it ideal for heavy-duty

Looking for a reliable partner in sheet metal processing? Is RGR Airon the answer?

RGR Airon OÜ has been providing high-quality sheet metal processing services since 2000. Over the years, we have established ourselves as one of the leading com
RGR Airon OÜ has been providing high-quality sheet metal processing services since 2000. Over the years, we have established ourselves as one of the leading companies in Estonia with a strong presence in the local market. Our commitment to excellence and quality has earned us a reputation as a reliable partner for companies operating in various industries, including construction, oil and gas, machine-building, and shipbuilding.   Our state-of-the-art production facilities are located in Maardu, Estonia, which is strategically positioned to provide easy access to major ports,

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