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Telecom asset recovery services has been and is coming more important operation in telecom maintenance services industry. New technologies are developed, and ol

Telecom asset recovery service - Telecom recovery - TDR Group

Telecom asset recovery services has been and is coming more important operation in telecom maintenance services industry. New technologies are developed, and old ones remains in use

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TDR SYSTEMS OÜ tegevusaruanne 2022

2021. aastal oli TDR Systemsil privileeg töötada mitmete erinevate Põhja-Euroopa ettevõtetega. Nende klientide hulka kuulusid mitmed erinevad tööstussektorid, k
2021. aastal oli TDR Systemsil privileeg töötada mitmete erinevate Põhja-Euroopa ettevõtetega. Nende klientide hulka kuulusid mitmed erinevad tööstussektorid, kuid põhiliseks tegevusvaldkonnaks oli elektrisüsteemide ja mehaaniliste koostude valmistamine. See on valdkond, kus TDR Systems on aastate jooksul omandanud märkimisväärseid teadmisi ja kogemusi, mis võimaldab neil pakkuda oma klientidele parimat võimalikku teenust.2021. aasta oli aga ka aasta, mil energia hinnatõus põhjustas toorainete kallinemist. See omakorda tõi kaasa materjalide hinnatõusu, mis mõjutas oluliselt TDR Systemsi

Telecom maintenance services - Telecom professional - TDR Group

Professional telecom maintenance services enable maximal usage of telecom network giving the best access and customer satisfaction to the end user.  If calls ar
Professional telecom maintenance services enable maximal usage of telecom network giving the best access and customer satisfaction to the end user. If calls are ended continuously or data is moving slowly, one of the reasons can be in telecom maintenance services. There propably has not been sufficient hardware or software repair operations in use and that might have caused issues in telecom network performance.

Telecom network equipment repair - TDR Group

Telecom network equipment repair is important operation in telecom maintenance services. Operation can have several different purposes and processes. If network
Telecom network equipment repair is important operation in telecom maintenance services. Operation can have several different purposes and processes. If network is failing or is not fully operating, telecom network equipment repair on site has to conduct professionally and fast.

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