Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
PROTSO OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 79 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 1 Storybooki kasutaja. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 2,0 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.
Tegevusaruanne 2023
Sales revenue was generated from tourism activities with a low-profit margin. The company mainly provides transportation services to the main destinations of the world with an efficient supply chain mechanism. Around the world, passengers are looking to get private transportation options, especially after the Covid pandemic. In this sense, Protso OÜ has a market share, but the profit margin is mainly low for this type of business.
PROTSO OÜ kontaktid
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