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At the heart of a nation's identity lies its culture and art. WhiteDove.Art MTÜ is not just an organization; it's a beacon of Estonian culture, a bridge connect

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At the heart of a nation's identity lies its culture and art. WhiteDove.Art MTÜ is not just an organization; it's a beacon of Estonian culture, a bridge connecting the creative spirit of Estonia to the world. Our mission is to expand the reach of Estonian art and culture, to value culture as capital, and to foster a sustainable lifestyle and peace globally.

Imagine a world where the rich tapestry of Estonian culture is woven into the global fabric, where the creative pulse of a nation resonates with millions. With less than a million native Estonian speakers, our culture is a rare gem in the vast expanse of humanity. Yet, our commitment to excellence in education, entrepreneurship, and IT has placed us among the world's elite. We are the custodians of a fairy-tale land, ensuring its magic endures for centuries to come.

Our ongoing projects are as diverse as they are impactful. From initiating the Peace of the 21st Century art collection to restoring Estonian art and culture with the White Ship, we are the architects of a cultural renaissance. We are building the Kihnu Naive Art Center and Gallery, completing the documentary of Jüri Arrak, and much more. Our future projects include establishing Tallinn Art Space galleries in major cities worldwide, creating the Academy of the Untalented, and organizing the inaugural Kihnu Naive Art Festival in 2024.

WhiteDove.Art MTÜ is a cultural startup charity that invests in human intelligence. We are a collective of visionaries, artists, and philanthropists, including founders Heikki Reidla, Kadri Visnap, Rene Össo, Egge Kulbok-Lattik, Jaak Visnap, and Atko Januson. Our headquarters, nestled in Fahle, is a testament to our dedication to Estonian culture and the arts.

Join us in our journey to elevate the human intellect through creating art, mediation of ideas, and charity, cultural, and education projects. Together, we can ensure that the enchanting story of Estonia continues to inspire, educate, and bring peace to the world.

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