Select the industries of the companies whose procurements you want to see
Questions and answers
How does procurement work in Storybook?
Read moreHow does procurement work in Storybook?
Making price inquiries for procurements (orders) in Storybook has been made as easy as possible for the user.Making price inquiries for procurements (orders) in Storybook has been made as easy as possible for the user.
Enter a keyword or select the industry to which the companies you want to send a price request for your order belong. All companies whose industry your keyword belongs to will be automatically filtered out for you.Enter a keyword or select the industry to which the companies you want to send a price request for your order belong. All companies whose industry your keyword belongs to will be automatically filtered out for you.
Use other filters to target your audience more precisely and send them your order. All replies will also arrive in your Storybook message inbox.Use other filters to target your audience more precisely and send them your order. All replies will also arrive in your Storybook message inbox.
How much does the procurement service cost?
Read moreHow much does the procurement service cost?
The service is free and it doesn't matter if you want to place smaller orders and receive price offers from them or make very large procurements.
The only important thing is that your order always reaches the right target group and only reliable ones to companies! Only those companies who have interest and time for your order will respond to you to fulfill.The only important thing is that your order always reaches the right target group and only reliable ones to companies! Only those companies who have interest and time for your order will respond to you to fulfill.
How to achieve the best price?
Read moreHow to achieve the best price?
You will get the best results if you use filters to refine companies' fields of activity, financial indicators, employees, etc.You will get the best results if you use filters to refine companies' fields of activity, financial indicators, employees, etc.
Your price request will be sent to the general emails of these companies as well as to the Storybook inbox. In addition, information reaches to these companies through monitoring events.