- Credit score:
- Risky
- Reputation score:
- 3,120
- Employees:
- 6
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 411,899 €
Katusetööd Tartus
Oleme spetsialiseerunud katuse ja fassaadi eluiga pikendavatele töödele. Teostame töid üle Eesti nii era- kui ka ärikliendile. Tööde teostamiseks kasutame kvaliteetseid vahendeid, mis tagavad pikaajalise ja hästi kestva tulemuse.
washing of windows and glazing
eternite roof high pressure painting
facade maintenance
cladding laundry
facade washing with pressure washer
facade washing
wash of facades
steam treatment
disinfecting cleaning
eternite roof painting
maintenance of real estate
roof painting
roof maintenance work
street stone laundry
rainwater system maintenance
snow cleaning
cleaning of leaves
stain and stone roof painting
street stone wash
roofing, roofing
moss removal, gutter cleaning
moss removal, gutter cleaning
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,770
- Employees:
- –
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 26,256 €
General cleaning of buildings in Rakvere vald
anti-bacterial cleaning, steam, steam, steam washing, steam treatment, removal of bacteria, facade cleaning, Mould Removal, cleaning of horse trailer, cleaning of horse-drawn vehicles
steam washing
facade cleaning
pressure content
roof washing and cleaning
cleaning with industrial steam washer
anti-bacterial cleaning
steam treatment
removal of bacteria
mould removal
cleaning of horse trailer
cleaning of horse-drawn vehicles
industrial cleaning
hunting cleaning
cleaning of launches
roof cleaning
mobile cleaning service
wet sand spray
chewing gum detachment
deep cleaning
street stone lingerie
street stone cleaning
unicorn laundry
unicorn cleaning
cleaning work
sandblasting, soda splashing and glass splashing
cleaning and rinsing of moss from stones
addition and sanding of bio moss protection