3 companies
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 3,250
- Workers:
- 2
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 185,012 €
Kohandatud lahendused teie vajadustele!
legal advice
legal assistance
legal services for businesses
legal advice
licensing aid
legal and consultation
consultation services
legal advisory services
legal consulting companies
business legal services
legal consulting
corporate legal services
legal consultancy firms
professional legal services
consulting services
company management
dispute resolution
contract law
commercial law
legal issues
preparation of documents
legal research
notary services
business advice
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,460
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 378,366 €
Teie õiguste kaitsmine, meie prioriteet.
legal aid
legal aid for businesses
legal dispute resolution
custom legal solutions
legal training courses
representation in civil, criminal and administrative matters
debt collection and bankruptcy
commercial law
debt law
debt collection services
commercial law consultancy
contract drafting services
civil representation legal services
criminal case legal representation
administrative legal matters
bankruptcy legal assistance
debt law expertise
court case representation
legal psychology integration
legal training and systems
representation in civil, criminal and administrative matters
civil law representation
representation of criminal cases
representation of administrative matters
representation of cases
debt collection
bankruptcy law
advice on bankruptcy proceedings
consultations on commercial law
preparation of contracts
- Credit score:
- Neutral
- Reputation score:
- -930
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 15,474 €
Juriidilised toimingud Tartus
legal support for businesses
aid in insolvency
legal aid
insolvency aid
performance of debt obligations
aid with insolvency
compliance with debt obligations
legal and consultation
insolvency and reorganisation
the economy
commercial law
family law
law of obligations
sanitary services
legal consultation services
insolvency services
business reorganisation
economic legal advice
business legal services
family law advice
law of obligations attorney
corporate insolvency consultancy
legal economic consultancy
commercial legal support
family law legal services
obligations law firm
debt law
restructuring plans
economic strategies