- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 4,490
- Workers:
- 52
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 2,425,238 €
International School of Tallinn - Globaalne innovatiivne haridus!
preschool education in tallinn
preschool education
english-language schooling
primary school
upper secondary school
international learning programs
english language international school tallinn
international baccalaureate programs estonia
primary school with ib curriculum
upper secondary school in estonia
international learning programs tallinn
ist general curriculum pdf
ib pyp myp dp schools tallinn
international mindedness education
multilingual learning environment tallinn
modern technology in schooling estonia
international school of tallinn admissions
tuition fees for international schools estonia
after school activities in tallinn
english-language education
primary school
international learning programs
3-6 years of age
values and skills
interactive learning
exploratory learning
transdisciplinary framework
cultural awareness
global civic education
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,270
- Workers:
- 2
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 13,881 €
Uuenduslikud õppekogemused!
language circles
school of interest
math classes
craft training workshops
arts and crafts training
seminars and training
for children and adults
chemistry, physics, biology
language courses
math classes
craft training workshops
arts and crafts training
mathematics classes
science clubs
preparation for the examination
arts and crafts
floristics workshops
other training courses
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,920
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- –
Rõõmus koht eelkooliealiste ja algkooliealiste laste arenguks ja kasvamiseks!
mini-kindergarten (half day)
promoting early development
preparation for school
creative workshops
children's camps
mini nursery
support for early development
preparing for school
english for children
creative workshops
logopedian (speech therapist)
family advice
interest training
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,820
- Workers:
- 9
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 108,707 €
Keeleväravad valla!
estonian for preschoolers
language learning for children
adult language training
online language learning
individual learning
group learning
cultural training
private lessons
estonian language communication club
summer communication club
estonian a1-c1
english a1 and a2
estonian language communication club b1-b2
estonian language a1
estonian for 4-5 year olds
language learning
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 630
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 10,176 €
Huvikoolitus Tallinnas
preschool education
interest school
learning aid
city camps
early childhood education
learning aids for children
urban camps for children
mathematics learning for kids
estonian language for children
nature studies education
creativity classes for kids
traffic safety for children
financial literacy for kids
individual learning support
small group learning
after-school tutoring
hobby circles
individual training
school of interest
nature studies
road safety
environmental awareness
money wisdom
interest training
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 530
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 35,366 €
Huvikoolitus Tartus
preschool for 5-6 year olds
pre-school for 6-7 year olds
digital school
school of programming and robotics
school of science
robotics school
cook school
creative school
play school
school of art
art camp
science camp
school holiday program
summer camps
mini school
school holiday camp
reading adventure
private lessons
school of programming
cookery camp
hobby circles
interest training
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 530
- Workers:
- –
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- –
Algkoolid Saue vallas
for preschoolers and primary classes
preschool special education
learning support for preschoolers
development allowance for preschoolers
special education teacher
private teacher for primary classes
special pedagogical support
speech therapy services
primary school special education
private tutoring for children
child development specialists
educational support for children
primary classes private education
special needs education
early childhood educational support
customized learning plans
study groups
special pedagogical learning aid
instruction and counseling
articulation exercises
language skills
communication strategies
therapeutic activities
individual curricula
academic enrichment
educational support
development analysis
developing learning skills
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 310
- Workers:
- –
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- –
Hariduse abiegevused Haapsalus
preschool for 5-6 year olds
pre-school for 6-7 year olds
for preschoolers and primary classes
creativity preschool programs
preschool and primary education
pre-school education
preschool for 6-7 year olds
educational activities for preschoolers
primary classes for young children
creative learning for children
early childhood education programs
kindergarten for 5-6 year olds
kindergarten for 6-7 year olds
preschooler development activities
creative pre-school curriculum
learning programs for 5-6 year olds
learning programs for 6-7 year olds
lifelong learning
learning experience
education environment
pre-school and primary classes
developing literacy
basis for calculation
cognitive development
boosting motor skills
educational aid activities
- Credit score:
- Risky
- Reputation score:
- -2,490
- Workers:
- 13
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 339,911 €
Lasteaia tegevused Tallinnas
preschool activities estonia
childcare service
storage groups in a stable
personalized childcare
childcare service estonia
childcare in tallinn
play-based learning childcare
toddler care services
outdoor education for kids
small group childcare
home-like daycare environment
childcare with music and art lessons
licensed childcare provider
childcare subsidy eligible
safe and nurturing childcare
gardening activities for children
indoor and outdoor spaces
art and music
game and learning
cozy rooms
individual approach
pelgulinna storage group
pille storage group
veeren storage group
healthy nutrition and exercise programmes
outdoor learning
art and music classes
the montessori methodology
individual needs of young children
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,100
- Workers:
- 9
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 231,871 €
Tehnoloogia ja traditsiooni ühendamine!
digital skills for preschoolers
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
summer care
childcare services
safe childcare environment
childhood development center
modern nursery school
summer childcare programs
early childhood digital education
nursery near kadriorg
pre-school education technology
children's events and activities
private nursery school
childcare registration
nursery for 1.5 to 7 years old
nursery with park excursions
early education
creative learning
playing outdoors
personal programs
museum visits
child-friendly environment
summer programs
post-school storage
emergency childcare
kindergarten activities