3 ettevõtet
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 11,990
- Töötajaid:
- 70
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 7,816,620 €
Fleet Complete on kõige kiiremini kasvav telemaatikalahendusi pakkuv ettevõte maailmas.
tachograph information in real time
vehicle tracking solution - have a clear view of the car fleet
vehicle booking system
automatic parking in cooperation with autlo
automatic reminders about maintenance
need-based installation
alarm signal in case of danger
working time data of drivers of trucks and buses
the solution for monitoring economic driving style
digital management of tasks
a solution designed to simplify the work of couriers
vehicle tracking solution - get to the customer faster
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 3,180
- Töötajaid:
- 3
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 512,317 €
GoGPS - Sinu sõiduki turvalisuse ja jälgitavuse ekspert!
fuel consumption control
speed control
real-time monitoring
fixing the journey and parking
gostart - remote engine launch
bilateral communication with the driver
tracking service
unlimited number of observable objects
alarm button
electronic tc system readings
sim card of two operators
data transmission backup channels
anti-scan protection
resistant to temperature fluctuations
special equipment
agricultural equipment
electronic communications services
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 1,820
- Töötajaid:
- –
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 279,388 €
Muu teimimine Rae vallas
car accessories
state and society
fuelling equipment
fuelling equipment and equipment
research institutions
device work
conformity assessment body
smart 2 digital recorders
air conditioning systems
installation work
repair work
stand warmers for passenger and lorries
parking equipment
spare parts
fuel tankers
indicators and sensors
technical inspection and repair
installation of equipment
driving meters user training
other taping