- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,950
- Employees:
- 5
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 617,985 €
Retail sale of sporting goods in Tallinn
training equipment, rehabilitation equipment, massage equipment, supplements, alternative medicine, vitamins and minerals, Tapes, rehabilitation facilities, rental products, yoga, pilates
yoga, pilates
gymnastics and yoga mats
training equipment
rehabilitation equipment
massage equipment
alternative medicine
vitamins and minerals
rehabilitation facilities
rental products
training gums
gymnastics balls
dumbbells, bars and weights
top balls, heavy bags
barriers, speed ladders and checkpoint cones
balancing instruments
jumping cords
massage balls
massage rollers
massage tables
compression massage equipment
massage pistols
massage rolls and balls
massage pillow
foot massage device
more massage products
training tools
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,040
- Employees:
- 1
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 33,968 €
Online shop in Rae vald
yoga mats, Gift Card, Accessories, seat cushion and roller pad, tpe, pvc, of wool, the cork, of rubber, yoga clothes
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,790
- Employees:
- 5
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 103,809 €
Aerobics and gyms in Tallinn
Yoga classes, yoga training, infrared yoga, vinyasa yoga, yin yoga, restorative yoga, pregnant yoga, youth and child yoga, personal yoga classes, online yoga classes
yoga classes
yoga training
yin yoga
yoga training
yoga mats and accessories
yoga training
eco yoga mats
infrared yoga
vinyasa yoga
restorative yoga
pregnant yoga
youth and child yoga
personal yoga classes
online yoga classes
yoga supplies and equipment
body and mind-related workouts
reducing muscle tension
body healing
infrared yoga studio
vinyasa yoga classes
yin yoga sessions
restorative yoga workshops
pregnancy yoga courses
yoga for children and teenagers
private yoga instruction
online yoga streaming
yoga teacher training
mindfulness and meditation training
chakra yoga education
yoga nidra course