- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,930
- Workers:
- 2
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 441,560 €
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- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 17,970
- Workers:
- 223
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 11,131,124 €
Programmeerimine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 5,010
- Workers:
- 10
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 633,699 €
Muu jaemüük Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 4,470
- Workers:
- 32
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 5,704,409 €
Muu tegevus Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 4,400
- Workers:
- 2
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 688,144 €
Ärinõustamine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 4,360
- Workers:
- 43
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 1,120,464 €
Arendustegevused loodus ja tehnika vallas Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,180
- Workers:
- 7
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 434,448 €
Programmeerimine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,090
- Workers:
- 22
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 4,634,238 €
Navigatsiooniseadmete tootmine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,090
- Workers:
- 9
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 1,660,129 €
Spinn – better parking
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,910
- Workers:
- 4
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 35,627 €
Tulevikku suunatud suhtlus!
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- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,800
- Workers:
- 10
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 1,736,335 €
Andmebaaside haldus Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,690
- Workers:
- 12
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 4,270 €
Teadustegevus biotehnoloogias Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,430
- Workers:
- 6
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 554,254 €
Elvior | Tarkvara ja veebilehed | Arendus ja testimine
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,260
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 83,499 €
Programmeerimine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,210
- Workers:
- 5
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 1,473,220 €
Tarkvara kirjastamine Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,130
- Workers:
- 2
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 189,711 €
Teadustegevus biotehnoloogias Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,130
- Workers:
- –
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- –
Eesti infosüsteemide audiitorite ühing |
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,100
- Workers:
- –
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- –
Valdusfirmade tegevus Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,080
- Workers:
- 1
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 347,879 €
Andmetöötlus Tallinnas
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,030
- Workers:
- 5
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 224,411 €
Harjumaa autokoolid - autokool sinu lähedal