magazine publishing
rental workforce mediation
meat industry
culture and education
media and printing
trade and services
wholesale of foodstuffs
the food industry
subscription software development services
sale of beverages
shops and wholesale trade
explosive material
fire safety
cooling and air conditioning systems, heat pumps
inspection and maintenance
meat processing
poultry production
retail sale of groceries
Rita Uukkivi (s. 17.01.1966)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 26
magazine publishing
culture and education
media and printing
sale of beverages
trade and services
shops and wholesale trade
the food industry
explosive material
fire safety
cooling and air conditioning systems, heat pumps
inspection and maintenance
retail sale of groceries
Lenno Link (s. 02.09.1977)
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 6
- Business experience (for years):
- 20
magazine publishing
trade and services
agriculture farmers
the food industry
poultry production
farm animals
culture and education
media and printing
mass media
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
forest logging
dairy cattle farming
activities of housing associations
Allan Kool (s. 13.08.1977)
- Document keeper
- Chairman of the Council
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 22
- Business experience (for years):
- 24
magazine publishing
construction and real estate services
architecture design firms
construction and real estate
construction projects
design companies
road and bridge construction
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
business consultations
business advice
small warehouses
office and commercial premises
commercial premises
office space
rental options
surfaces of commercial buildings
rental of a warehouse
energy efficient heating solutions
small warehouses tallinn
office space kadaka district
commercial premises for rent
office rental options tallinn
commercial building surfaces
warehouse rental estonia
multifunctional commercial building
kadaka business area
modern workshop spaces
Risto Abel (s. 13.09.1974)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 22
- Business experience (for years):
- 20
magazine publishing
loan associations
holding companies
business consultations
business advice
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
activities of management companies
activities of churches (castery, congregation)
business advice
other service
real estate rental
real estate management activities
berry farming
construction of electricity and communications networks
development of building projects
Alari Ossa (s. 16.12.1983)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 10
- Business experience (for years):
- 19
magazine publishing
legal and consultation
audit and accounting services
trust management and company service
loan associations
holding companies
culture and education
media and printing
the internet
business advice
activities of management companies
other service
recycling of sorted material
activities of web portals
serving drinks
Mihkel Lõhmus (s. 02.12.1987)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 12
magazine publishing
my picture calendars
school supplies
mugs and shirts
money and mobile bags
puzzles and pennants
umbrellas and bags
photo shop
product with its own image
photo books
fiction books
children's books
photo calendars
simple calendars
office calendars
russian calendars
pocket calendars
activities of newsagents
production of firewood
information technology and computer activities
Toomas Väljataga (s. 23.11.1960)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 29
magazine publishing
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
culture and education
media and printing
printing services
personal computers
newspaper and periodical postal services
printing and related services
postal services
printing services
book publishing
artistic creative activities
Rauno Raivo Runnel (s. 23.10.1990)
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 9
magazine publishing
my picture calendars
school supplies
mugs and shirts
money and mobile bags
puzzles and pennants
umbrellas and bags
photo shop
product with its own image
photo books
fiction books
children's books
photo calendars
simple calendars
office calendars
russian calendars
pocket calendars
Arvo Heinmaa (s. 20.02.1962)
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 12
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
magazine publishing
loan associations
holding companies
legal and consultation
translation agencies
rental workforce mediation
construction and real estate services
activities of management companies
financial services assistance activities
wholesale trade of various goods
real estate rental
vegetable cultivation
translation services
retail sale of drinks
wholesale of metals
Stina Eigi (s. 29.01.1973)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 27
magazine publishing
architectural offices
architecture design firms
construction and real estate
construction projects
design companies
road and bridge construction
manufacture of cell houses
recreation and entertainment
travel and leisure services
travel and hiking
development of building projects
manufacture of prefabricated wooden buildings
catering (restaurant, etc.)
Andrus Rõigas (s. 18.10.1972)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 19
magazine publishing
audit and accounting services
regular air transport services
tour operator services
water transport services
travel agency and similar services
hotel accommodation services
road transport services
travel services
travel agency, tour guide and tour operator services
air transport services
sale of travel tickets and package travel services
hotel services
restaurant and food services
tourist information services
travel company activities
rental of passenger cars
activities of travel agencies
JANIS KAAL (s. 22.12.1973)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
Kristjan-Erik Suurväli (s. 15.07.1974)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 22
Peter Nicolai Skjoldby (s. 28.08.1961)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Liquidator
- Shareholder
- Procurator
- Active companies:
- 156
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
magazine publishing
horse breeding
horse equipment
trust management and company service
job placement
virtual currency service
business advice
other business assistance services
purchase and sale of own property
other service
information activities
activities of web portals
provision of financial services
activities of management companies
development activities in nature and engineering
translation services
online shop
wholesale of cereals and animal feed
information technology and computer activities
other service
data processing
wholesale of dairy products
wholesale trade of various goods
investing in financial instruments
retail sale of a variety of goods in-store
software publishing
wholesale of clothing and garment inserts
advertising agencies
Virge Must (s. 29.09.1967)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
Kevin Press (s. 07.03.1980)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 24
magazine publishing
media and printing
search and selection of staff
target search
recruitment projects
driver search
staff search and selection
targeted headhunting
recruitment project management
professional driver recruitment
executive search services
hidden job market recruitment
talent acquisition strategies
value-driven recruitment
team building recruitment
career development support
trusted recruitment partner
recruitment consulting services
specialist and executive search
employment opportunities
activities of web portals
mediating advertising in the media
activities of employment agencies
Ille Paltser (s. 15.04.1964)
- Board member
- Procurator
- Active companies:
- 6
- Business experience (for years):
- 26
Anti Tammeoks (s. 29.03.1975)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 6
- Business experience (for years):
- 26
Reet Aalberg (s. 26.03.1995)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 8