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With employees (Markiteers) of over 30 nationalities from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, Markit is a melting pot of diverse attitu

MARKIT – The Secret Lives of Markiteers

With employees (Markiteers) of over 30 nationalities from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, Markit is a melting pot of diverse attitudes, interests, talents, and beliefs. 

Markiteers all share common values of professionalism, honesty, transparency, kindness, and loyalty but it’s also interesting to know what else binds us and what makes us individuals too, so we ran an anonymous survey of 125 Markiteers to discover their secrets...

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Kasutud hanked ja segased pakkumised on probleemiks nii ostjatele kui ka müüjatele, tekitades tihti tülikaid ja aeganõudvaid arutelusid hinna ja ostutingimuste
Kasutud hanked ja segased pakkumised on probleemiks nii ostjatele kui ka müüjatele, tekitades tihti tülikaid ja aeganõudvaid arutelusid hinna ja ostutingimuste üle. Kuid üks ettevõte on otsustanud muuta selle mängu reegleid ja tuua tõelise läbipaistvuse IT toodete ostmisse - tere tulemast Markit\'i! Markit ei ole lihtsalt veel üks IT toodete müüja. Me oleme ehitamas tõelist IT toodete turgu, mis toob klientideni IT hulgiladudest otse ostmise võimaluse igas riigis, kus me tegutseme. Meie eesmärk on teha IT-toodete hankimine lihtsaks ja selgeks. Unusta aeganõudev hankeprotsess, sest Markit on

MARKIT – World Procurement Awards Finalist – Again!

This year Markit entered the World Procurement Awards for the second time, and we have been shortlisted for the final!  This time in the Procurement Technology
This year Markit entered the World Procurement Awards for the second time, and we have been shortlisted for the final! This time in the Procurement Technology Provider Category. This is exciting and welcome recognition for our entry: RECORD BREAKING IT PROCUREMENT SAVINGS DELIVERED TO HUNDREDS OF MULTINATIONALS IN 2021

MARKIT – The Drive for Sustainable IT Packaging

We all know that natural resources are not infinite, and most people (and companies) would like to buy IT goods that are guilt-free. This is challenging if a pr
We all know that natural resources are not infinite, and most people (and companies) would like to buy IT goods that are guilt-free. This is challenging if a product’s packaging goes way beyond what is necessary to protect the product within. Excessive plastic packaging especially contributes significantly to unrecyclable waste.  Packaging of course performs a vital function to ensure the product reaches the buyer in perfect condition and must communicate essential information. However, the IT industry could certainly do more to address both over-packaging and non-recyclable packaging.

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