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In the dynamic world of construction, efficiency, and reliability are paramount. At our company, we offer cutting-edge products and solutions designed to transf

Ettevõtte Lugu

In the dynamic world of construction, efficiency, and reliability are paramount. At our company, we offer cutting-edge products and solutions designed to transform the way construction projects are executed. From concrete connections to composite structures, our offerings are meticulously crafted to enhance efficiency, ensuring a seamless construction process.

Our precast solutions redefine excellence. Foundation connections, column connections, beam connections, slab connections, and balcony connections – our range covers it all. With meticulously engineered products, we simplify complex construction tasks, ensuring precision and speed.

Our reinforcement systems set new industry standards. Rebar coupling systems, punching reinforcement systems, headed anchors, anchor plates, and shear dowels – our lineup guarantees structural integrity. We prioritize safety and durability, providing solutions that stand the test of time.

What sets us apart is our commitment to innovation. We not only provide products but also offer tailored solutions. Our expertise lies in understanding the unique demands of each project and delivering customized answers. With us, your vision becomes a reality.

Looking to revolutionize your construction process? Contact us today, and let’s collaborate to find the best solution for your project. Your construction goals are our priority, and we are here to exceed your expectations.

Get in touch with us!


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PEIKKO EESTI OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

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