Juba 257 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 1 Storybooki kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduvad samuti.
Tegevusaruanne 2023
Highlights of N8
Political recognition of N8 and will for cooperation has been increasing steadily. To bring out a few examples. We have been part of Roundtable discussions initiated by the European Commissioner for innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel.
This resulted in Vision document Time for action: making EdTech a key driver in the European digital education ecosystem', presented at the first Digital Education Stakeholder Forum in March.
We contributed to launching the "New Ukrainian School Hub: joining forces in times of crisis" to support Ukrainian learners in need of distance learning solutions.
The biweekly Nordic EdTech News was released throughout the year, bringing attention to the region's education innovation.
We participated in two international Erasmus+ projects Entre MWB and EngLife. The first was drawing attention to the mental wellbeing of entrepreneurs, the second was focusing on online learning of English language.
We supported the launch of EdTech Ireland, EdTech Iceland and EdTech Hungary.
We hosted quite a few live meetings for N8 founders. To bring out a few at BETT we had a networking dinner with 40 participating founders and at Slush a networking lunch with equally many participants.
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