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Kaarel Raik

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
professional expertise, financial stability, receivables management, transparent financial counseling, pan-baltic services, efficient it system, plusplus is a trusted partner for the largest banks and telecoms in the region., õigus- ja konsultatsiooniteenused

AD-VANE OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

AD-VANE OÜ põhitegevuseks on teenindus- ja juhtimisalaste konsultatsioonide osutamineja koolituste kestvusega kuni kaks kuud korraldamine. 2023.a. müügitulu ei olnud 2023.aastal AD-VANE OÜ-s töötajat ei olnud. 2023.a juhatus koosnes ühest liikmest. Juhatuse liikmele majandusaasta jooksul töötasu ning juhatuse liikme tasu ei ole makstud. Tuleviku suhtes on plaanid veel lahtised.


kõik artiklid

Debt collection future: What are the future trends in the debt collection industry?

The debt collection industry has been evolving rapidly in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Here are some of the key trends th
The debt collection industry has been evolving rapidly in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Here are some of the key trends that are likely to shape the debt collection industry in the coming years: Increased use of technology: Technology is already playing a significant role in the debt collection process, but this trend is expected to accelerate in the future. AI-powered chatbots, for example, are being used to automate some of the more repetitive tasks associated with debt collection, while machine learning algorithms are being used to predict which

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