Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Margit Olle

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
Jätkusuutlikud põllumajandustehnikad, Teadusuuringud, Teaduslikud avastused, teaduskonverentside korraldamine, jätkusuutlikud põllumajandustehnikad, põllumajandusuuringud, teaduslikud avastused põllumajanduses, kaltsiumipuudus lehtköögiviljades, tipburni ennetamine salatis, negatiivsed DIF-tingimused põllumajanduses

Innovative Agricultural Research and Practices: Dr. Margit Olle's Scientific Discoveries and Their Application in Crop Production

Dr. Margit Olle's groundbreaking research has greatly influenced the field of agricultural science, particularly in the cultivation of vegetable crops. Her work focuses on sustainable and innovative methods to improve plant health, growth, and yield. Below is an overview of her significant contributions to the field: Calcium Uptake and Leafy Vegetables Dr. Olle's pioneering research improved calcium uptake in leafy vegetable crops, which helped to reduce calcium deficiency disorders. Her discoveries led to a reduction in the need for calcium sprays on plant leaves, effectively addressing


kõik artiklid

NPO Veggies Cultivation: Leading the Way in Agricultural Innovation and Research

At NPO Veggies Cultivation, we are proud to be at the forefront of agricultural research and development, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation to imp
At NPO Veggies Cultivation, we are proud to be at the forefront of agricultural research and development, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation to improve plant health and enhance sustainable farming practices. Our pioneering work focuses on solving some of the most pressing challenges in agriculture, such as calcium deficiency in leafy vegetable crops, and finding sustainable, eco-friendly solutions that can be replicated worldwide. One of our most significant breakthroughs in vegetable cultivation is the development of the world’s best method for preventing tipburn in lettuce. By

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