Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Moa Eriksson

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
elektroonikatööstus, Atenuaatorid, Arvutitooted, Kontrollerid, Dioodid, transistorid ja türistorid, Elektromehaaniline, valgustuslahendused, Mälu, multimeedia, Toiteallikad


Arrow Electronics Estonia OÜ on Arrow Electronics Danish Holdings APS tütarettevõte, mis asutati 9. juunil 2000. Arrow Electronics Estonia OÜ oli 1997. aastal loodud Norra ettevõtte Arrow Electronics Norwegian Holdings AS tütarettevõte Jakob Hatteland Electronic OÜ nimel. Omandiõigus muutus 2018. aastal seoses Arrow Norwegian Holdings AS-i ühinemisega Arrow Norway AS-i, mis on 100% Arrow Electronic Danish Holdings APS omandis ja kontrolli all. Müügitegevust alustati 1997. aasta augustis. Ettevõtte tegevusaladeks on elektroonikakomponentide ja teenuste müük elektroonikatööstusele.


kõik artiklid

Application of the Internet of Things in Smart Homes Combining Various Wireless Technologies

There are a variety of wireless technologies available on the market, each with its advantages and disadvantages and its application fields. Combining the vario
There are a variety of wireless technologies available on the market, each with its advantages and disadvantages and its application fields. Combining the various advantages of wireless network technology will enable Internet of Things (IoT) devices to perform better. This paper describes certain features of wireless network technology and the advantages of solutions provided by Arrow Electronics. ZigBee forms a network by combining mesh topology with gateways ZigBee (802.15.4) and BLE (Bluetooth ® Low Energy) are the two most popular IoT wireless low-power protocols on the market, both of

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