Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
KGMP OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 76 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding aga tema tegevusi ei jälgi ükski kasutaja. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 2,3 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.
Tegevusaruanne 2023
KGMP is a company providing services in Europe, to help entities from outside the European Union, in particular entities from Great Britain, in adapting their activities in Europe to the new circumstances after Great Britain's exit from the European Union.
Additionally, for the above-mentioned entities, it acts as an intermediary in providing and coordinating corporate and accounting services in
Great Britain, enabling the proper fulfilment of reporting obligations, taking into account the specific nature of cross-border business.
Where necessary, it also assists these entities and their owners in registering their business in Estonia and fulfilling related obligations. Due to the fact that the company provide services that do not require major investments, investments have not been made and are not planned in the near future.
KGMP has a permanent customer base, who use the company's services, with a rotation rate of 5% per year, which allows the company to maintain a stable financial situation.
This is the second year of the company's operation and the project for which it was created is a success. Therefore, at the moment, the company will be working on improving the services it provides using the potential offered by the Internet.
KGMP OÜ kontaktid
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