Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Toomas Saarse

Ettevõtja CV
Suurim mainega ettevõte SONDERWARE OÜ, maineskoor 750, aktiivseid äriseoseid 2. Tegutseb peamiselt valdkonnas: Hoonete ehitustööd.

Suurima mainega ettevõte


Maineskoorid: 750

prognooskäibed 2024

309 322 €

Väheneb 27 % võrra
võrreldes eelmise aastaga



Kasusaaja äriseosed
Toomas Saarse




Kasusaaja ettevõtete väärtus
Toomas Saarse

Varade väärtus tulumeetodil

587 888 €

Sonderware OÜ peamine tegevusala on elamute ja mitteeluhoonete ehitus ning renoveerimine. Kõrvaltegevusala on kinnisvara ost ja müük, kinnisvara üürileandmine ja käitus. Aruandeaastal arengu ja uurimisväljaminekuid ...
\n \"headernotification_37459414_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Tahad tagasilinke enda veebilehele?\n <\/div>\n

The backlinks that lead the visitor to your website<\/strong> are numerous throughout the entire business media page.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_70810283_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n M\u00fc\u00fcgipakkumised kliendisegmendile\n <\/div>\n

By publishing sales offers and discount campaigns, it is possible to get closer to a potential customer group at exactly the right time and in the right place and without time restrictions.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_51203148_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Tahad 3x rohkem m\u00fc\u00fcgivihjeid?\n <\/div>\n

Business media page sample is\u00a0free<\/strong> and does not oblige you to do anything. You can get high-quality digital marketing at an affordable price.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_00562426_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Krediidi- ja finantstaust\n <\/div>\n

With the help of unique technology, the credit and financial background also reaches external systems (ERP, CRM, etc.) for every employee to use and make more informed decisions<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_45794319_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Efektiivne v\u00f5lahaldus\n <\/div>\n

We provide full services from credit sales to cash collection. Debt portfolio analysis, credit monitoring, chain method collection, debt disclosures, court proceedings etc<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_41533814_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Turvav\u00f5rk (tugiteenused)\n <\/div>\n

Credit management support services help to prevent debtors' risky behavior in the entire credit sales chain.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_67393617_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n \u00dche sekundi taustakontroll\n <\/div>\n

Within one second<\/strong>, the credit score and free credit limit provide you with important information before each business transaction.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_85990590_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Mis on Storybook WEB?\n <\/div>\n

Important information is with you\u00a0<\/strong>everywhere on the web and in web applications \u2013 whether you shop on web, apply for a job, read online media, etc.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Look\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n


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Storybooki laiendus ütleb Sulle, mis firma veebilehel Sa parajasti viibid ja kui usaldusväärne see firma täna on. laadi laiendus alla

Näed helistaja tausta! Storybooki Äpp toob Sinuni otsekontaktid 400 000 Eesti ettevõtte ja isikute kohta (juhid, ametnikud). Andmed on rikastatud maksevõime ja finantsinfoga.