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Tegevusaruanne 2023

2023 Annual Report Summary

General Activities

Achieved charitable organization status in Estonia, providing tax benefits for those we financially support.

Attained human rights organization status and joined the principles of Belarusian human rights defenders.

Received the extremist label for the fourth time.

Analytics and Research

Created the "More Than Culture" manifesto, outlining our vision for the development of Belarusian culture, forming the basis for a Cultural

Support Roadmap.

Secured funding and prepared to release the "12 Theses" project on cultural policy, consisting of educational one-minute animated videos highlighting the importance of culture.

Published quarterly analytical materials on the state of culture across various fields and held a year-end roundtable on the "Cultural Results of 2023."

Monitored repression in culture and tracked the fate of repressed creators.

Conducted significant research including:

Key actors in independent Belarusian culture

Analysis of target audience needs in socio-cultural management

Cultural practices as a field and tool of decolonization: Belarusian case (ongoing)

A short review of current research on the development and functioning conditions of Belarusian culture.

Cultural Diplomacy and Policy

Collaborated with political structures, providing consultations for foreign visits on cultural support.

Participated in international conferences, discussing the state of Belarusian culture and establishing international connections.

Initiated negotiations with the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Culture Institute.

Began talks to include the Belarusian language in audio guides of Polish museums, such as Polin in Warsaw and the Solidarity Museum in

Gdansk, seeking funding options.

Cooperated with the Danish Cultural Institute and NDF on a project addressing cultural decolonization in the Eastern Partnership region.

Organized and conducted a (non)conference on cultural decolonization under war and political crisis conditions.

Began research on new hybrid forms of cultural identity of former "small" nations, with five research articles to be published in early 2024.

Attended coordination meetings with the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

Global Actions and Projects

Assisted in organizing and finding funding for Freedom Day celebrations in Kaunas.

Held the "Days of Belarusian Culture 2023" across ten cities in five countries under the #SpeakBelarus slogan.

Supported solidarity actions with political prisoners, creating infographics on repressions against cultural figures and hosting an event dedicated to Ales Pushkin.



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