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Tegevusaruanne 2022

UNITE Community

Annual Report 2022

Management board

Urmas Kõljalg, Kessy Abarenkov, Henrik R Nilsson

Homepage and resources

In 2022 UNITE Community had its first full year as a non-profit legal organisation and this is its first annual report. This report covers most important activities and achievements.

1. UNITE SH new version

In 2022, a new version (9.0) of UNITE SHs was released with a total of 1.26 M Sanger sequencing-derived and 7.1 M metabarcoding-derived rDNA ITS sequences originating from 88 665 distinct published and unpublished studies in INSD and UNITE. The metabacoding-derived sequences came from five studies. These sequences were clustered into 454 111 and 793 114 eukaryote SHs on 1.5 % and 1.0 % distance thresholds, respectively. Each such species hypothesis is assigned a DOI-based digital identifier to facilitate and promote unambiguous scientific communication across datasets and studies.

Table 1. Number of fungal SHs in UNITE version 9.0

Fungal taxa Number of SHs, gap £1.0% Number of SHs, gap £1.5%

Ascomycota 242 461 129 014

Basidiomycota 215 946 110 574

Mortierellomycota 15 856 4 433

Glomeromycota 12 130 8 058

Mucoromycota 11 547 4 427

Rozellomycota 11 460 7 358

Chytridiomycota 10 223 6 736

Zoopagomycota 6 113 2 393

GS01 phy Incertae sedis 1 871 974

Kickxellomycota 954 711

Blastocladiomycota 598 425

Olpidiomycota 415 178

Entorrhizomycota 279 128

Neocallimastigomycota 240 191

Monoblepharomycota 202 150



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