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E+ AKADEEMIA MTÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 62 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding aga tema tegevusi ei jälgi ükski kasutaja. Ettevõttele hinnanguid antud ei ole ja kommentaarid puuduvad samuti.

Tegevusaruanne 2023

Non-profit association E+ Academy NGO (hereinafter the Association) is a voluntary association of natural persons acting in public interest. The name of the Association is E+ Academy NGO and it is located in Ida-Viru maakond, Narva linn, Linda tn 4 20309 ESTONIA. The Association is an independent organisation and it is not a section of any other organisation.

The objectives of the Association are: n to empower education and develop the capacity of individuals especially women, children and youth to learn, have fun and take hold of initiatives for life n to provide local and international activities for social and personal competences development n to promote active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and intercultural awareness; n to contribute to preserving or restoring environmental quality for sustainable future n to undertake activities and actions in the field of Sustainable Development n to give transversal skills based on Global Education principles in order to equip our target groups with activism for their work for Sustainable

Development Goals n to ensure the integration of disadvantaged groups such as immigrants and disabled people into society n to encourage intercultural dialog with the aim of promoting mutual understanding and respect among people from different cultures n to sustain the right to quality education and training for all, through an appealing curriculum and innovative strategies which merge together formal and nonformal methods 1.5. In order to achieve its objectives, the Association carries out the following activities: - training courses for teachers, adults and youth, - publishing print materials, - organising cultural events, - youth exchanges, - conferences, meetings and similar events

The everyday activity of the Association is managed and the Association is represented by the management board, which consists of two people; 1 president (Pana Tavaci) and 1 contact person (Fitnat Tavaci). The management board is elected for five years.

Competence of the management board: - running the daily operations of the Association; - keeping track of the number of the Association’s members and the collection of membership fees; - preparing the Association’s activity plan and budget; - preparing the annual report and organising accounting; - using and controlling the Association’s assets in accordance with legal requirements, the articles of associations, and decisions of the general meeting.

The management board represents the association in all legal proceedings. Each management board member can individually represent the

Association in all legal proceedings. A management board member may be removed by a resolution of the general meeting at any time regardless of the reason. The chairman, his or her deputy or at least 1/3 of the members of the management board can call a management board meeting. The management board has quorum when more than half of the members of the management board are present at the meeting.

The management board can adopt resolutions without calling a meeting when all members of the management board vote in favour of the resolution in a written form that can be reproduced.

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