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Business Advice, Control systems, Business Processes, sustainability, management consulting services, organizational development strategies, business mentoring and training, integrated management systems development, business process mapping, sustainability assessment in business

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Company Story

Welcome to a journey of transformation and growth with H&H CONSULTANCY OÜ, where your organization's potential is our passion. As a beacon of strategic management, mentorship, and training, we are dedicated to amplifying the development of your organization, your leadership, and your team.

With a track record of 9 years in the realm of strategic management, our founder, Helen Klettenberg, has become synonymous with continuous improvement for both organizations and individuals alike. Our collaboration with numerous top Estonian companies has honed our expertise in developing management systems, streamlining business processes, and enhancing sustainability.

Our approach is unique. We delve deep into the challenges and opportunities specific to your organization, crafting bespoke solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our commitment to innovation in management system development has earned us recognition for quality innovation in the field.

At H&H CONSULTANCY OÜ, simplicity, innovation, and value addition are the cornerstones of our philosophy. We believe that management principles and systems should not be complex mazes but straightforward, innovative pathways that drive your organization forward.

Our services are tailored to understand, create value, and support the developmental journey of our clients. We offer robust support to organizations, their leaders, and teams through hands-on project implementation, advisory, and training services. From the inception of comprehensive and integrated management systems to the adoption of best practices in improvement tools, and preparing for management system certifications, we are your ultimate partner in progress.

Embrace the power of process-based management with us. Let's navigate the complexities of business processes together, ensuring your leadership thrives in an environment of excellence and your organization stands out as a paragon of sustainability and innovation.

Join us at and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your business with H&H CONSULTANCY OÜ.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Jana Teder

Aitäh sulle, Helen! Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus on väga oluliseks kompetentsikeskuseks Eesti riigis ning Sinu toel, oma tegevusi kaardistades, oleme muutnud oma juhtimissüsteemi läbipaistvamaks ning saanud ikka päris mitu astet küpsemaks ja teadlikumaks!

- Ivar Augasmägi

Kõik need koolituse näpunäited ja praktilised nõuanded olid väga head ja teevad igapäevaste probleemide lahendamise tunduvalt lihtsamaks. Minu koolitusel osalemise aktiivsust inspireerib kõige rohkem ikkagi koolitaja pädevus ja isiksus. Heleni puhul oli kõik olemas.

- Gerli Kulm

Osalesin koolitusel ning mulle meeldis lähenemine, et juhtimissüsteem peab olema lihtne. Helenil on oma valdkonnas väga põhjalikud teadmised ning on tunda, et ta on südamega asja juures. Ta tekitas minus kohe tahtmise tegeleda parendamisega ning viia meie ettevõte uuele tasemele.

How to simplify your business processes for better results

In today's fast-paced business environment, complexity can be a significant barrier to growth and efficiency. Complex processes often lead to confusion, errors, and delays. Understanding the sources of complexity within your business processes is the first step towards simplification. Simplifying business processes is not just about cutting costs; it's about creating a more agile and responsive organization. Simplification can lead to better results by streamlining operations and focusing on value-adding activities. Strategies for Simplifying Business Processes One of the first steps in


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The role of sustainability in modern business practices

Sustainability in business refers to the ability of companies to operate in a manner that ensures long-term economic performance, environmental care, and social
Sustainability in business refers to the ability of companies to operate in a manner that ensures long-term economic performance, environmental care, and social responsibility. It encompasses a broad range of practices that aim to minimize negative impacts on the environment and society while maximizing value creation for stakeholders. Historically, sustainability was often an afterthought in business operations, but it has now become a central component of strategic planning. Companies are increasingly recognizing that sustainable practices can drive innovation, open up new markets, and

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