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Exterior finishing is not just about aesthetics; it's about making a statement and ensuring longevity. As we embrace the future, certain trends in exterior fini

5 trends in exterior finishing that are here to stay

Exterior finishing is not just about aesthetics; it's about making a statement and ensuring longevity. As we embrace the future, certain trends in exterior finishing have proven their worth and are here to stay. In this post, we'll explore five of these enduring trends that are shaping the way we think about the exteriors of our homes and commercial properties.

1. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

With a growing awareness of environmental impact, eco-friendly paints are becoming a staple in exterior finishes. These paints are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which means they're better for the environment and for the health of the occupants.

Using recycled and reclaimed materials not only contributes to sustainability but also adds unique character to a property. From reclaimed wood siding to recycled metal accents, these materials are durable, environmentally responsible, and visually appealing.

Energy efficiency is a key consideration in modern exterior finishing. Insulative siding, reflective roofing materials, and energy-efficient windows and doors all play a role in reducing energy consumption and saving on utility bills.

2. Bold Color Choices

Gone are the days of safe, neutral exteriors. Bold, statement colors are becoming more popular, allowing homeowners and developers to express individuality and stand out in the neighborhood.

Color psychology plays a significant role in exterior finishing. Colors can evoke emotions and set the tone for the property. Choosing the right color can enhance curb appeal and reflect the identity of the occupants or the brand.

3. Mixed Materials and Textures

Mixing materials such as brick, stone, wood, and metal allows for creative expression and can complement the architectural style of the building. This trend adds depth and complexity to the design.

Texture is an often-overlooked element that can significantly impact the overall look of an exterior. A combination of smooth and rough textures can create a dynamic and inviting exterior.

4. Smart Home Integration

Technology integration into exterior finishing is on the rise. From smart lighting to automated gates, technology is being used to enhance security, efficiency, and convenience.

Smart security cameras, motion sensors, and connected systems are becoming integral parts of modern exteriors, offering both functionality and peace of mind.

5. Outdoor Living Spaces

The line between indoors and outdoors is blurring, with designs that offer seamless transitions. Large glass doors, covered patios, and outdoor kitchens are just a few examples of how outdoor living spaces are becoming extensions of the interior.

Exterior spaces are being designed with both function and aesthetics in mind. Features like fire pits, water features, and integrated planters are popular for their ability to enhance the livability and enjoyment of outdoor spaces.

Looking to embrace these enduring exterior finishing trends for your property? Contact VÄRVINK OÜ for expert services that blend innovation with timeless design.

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