4 companies
- Credit score:
- Risky
- Reputation score:
- 2,150
- Workers:
- 4
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 28,944 €
Silma Õpikoja Nõva looduskool
outdoor learning experiences
nature-based games for kids
nature school
programs for children
nature tours
trainings for teachers
nature exploration activities
nature school programs
children outdoor activities
nature tours estonia
teacher training nature education
nature school accommodation
educational nature trips
environmental education for children
wildlife and plant identification courses
school field trips nature
nature school catering services
team building nature activities
teacher training courses
interest training
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,130
- Workers:
- 17
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 21,901 €
Ava mõistuse saladused lõbu ja teadusega!
effective learning workshops
interactive learning
brain games workshop
science-based education
efficient learning strategy workshops
scientific performances
educational science performance
brain laboratory
psychology studies
psychology entertainment
educational workshops
psychology events
sense experiments
brain laboratory experience
school psychology performances
corporate team workshops
psychological performances for private events
psychology performances for events
cognitive skills training sessions
psychological experiment modules
behavioral science for personal growth
experimental modules
public science performances
educational science exhibitions
psychology introductory adventures
research communication events
social science development activities
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 940
- Workers:
- 3
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 79,811 €
Lapsehoiuteenus Tartus
game-based learning
culture and education
state and society
children's institutions
waldorf pedagogy
inclusive education
individual development
matching group
creative activities
social development
special needs
individual support
children of different ages
multicultural communication
outdoor activities
sleep time
babysitting service
- Credit score:
- Risky
- Reputation score:
- -2,490
- Workers:
- 13
- Estimated turnover (2024):
- 339,911 €
Lasteaia tegevused Tallinnas
play-based learning childcare
game and learning
outdoor learning
childcare service
storage groups in a stable
personalized childcare
childcare service estonia
childcare in tallinn
preschool activities estonia
toddler care services
outdoor education for kids
small group childcare
home-like daycare environment
childcare with music and art lessons
licensed childcare provider
childcare subsidy eligible
safe and nurturing childcare
gardening activities for children
indoor and outdoor spaces
art and music
cozy rooms
individual approach
pelgulinna storage group
pille storage group
veeren storage group
healthy nutrition and exercise programmes
art and music classes
the montessori methodology
individual needs of young children