Aleksandr Lavrinenko (s. 29.08.1971)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 16
repair of fuel system
transport and courier services
shipbuilding and repair
ship repair
plumbing services
steelwork services
shipbuilding and repair services
marine pipework specialists
ship repair services estonia
metalwork for maritime industry
ship bodywork repair
engine repair works maritime
steel repair works for ships
marine pipe repair services
electrical and automation works shipping
sterntube seals renewal
ultrasonic hull thickness measurement
ballast water treatment systems marine
maritime repair berth and workshop
ship equipment spare parts supply
engine repair
supply of spare parts
testing of reproductive performance
repair of steel structures
welding services
corrosion protection
pipeline installation
repair of fuel system
maintenance of lorries
truck repair services
maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
post-crash restoration and repair
maintenance of trucks
commercial vehicle repair
bus maintenance
repair of agricultural equipment
electrical works and diagnostics
painting and glass change
shaving the frame
restoration of the cab
glass change
oil and filter exchange
electrical systems
fuel systems
high quality paintwork
restoration of details
modern color chamber
repair of motor vehicles