Tarmo Valing (s. 09.05.1973)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 19
natural health products
detox smoothie
freeze-dried products
freeze-dried powders
freeze-dried slices
natural food colours
juice powders
eco products
eco-friendly products
healthy lifestyle products
vegan supplements
detox smoothies
freeze-dried foods
natural food colors
algae supplements
organic freeze-dried powders
spirulina supplements
freeze-dried fruit slices
freeze-dried vegetable powders
sustainable food options
cylmkuivated products
cylmkuivated pulbrid
cylmkuivated finals
natural food colors
food instructions
öko products
Maria Valing (s. 21.10.1986)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 5
natural health products
detox smoothie
freeze-dried products
freeze-dried powders
freeze-dried slices
natural food colours
juice powders
eco products
eco-friendly products
healthy lifestyle products
vegan supplements
detox smoothies
freeze-dried foods
natural food colors
algae supplements
organic freeze-dried powders
spirulina supplements
freeze-dried fruit slices
freeze-dried vegetable powders
sustainable food options
cylmkuivated products
cylmkuivated pulbrid
cylmkuivated finals
natural food colors
food instructions
öko products
Helve Pettai (s. 24.09.1960)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 18
natural health products
natural products
cordiceps elixir
fohow elixir
sjuechinfu capsules
vascular cleansing
consultation and diagnostics
beauty and health products
diagnostic services
cordyceps elixir
fohow oral liquid
sjuechinfu capsules for vascular cleansing
health restoration supplements
body detox products
therapeutic belts
healthcare textiles
free health consultation
ganoderma brain capsules
high fiber detox tablets
rose paste fruit spread
turmaline underwear
pillows to improve sleep quality
magnetic blankets
hygienic dressings
hydrogen water activator
eye & neck massage equipment
natural products
cordiceps elixir
fohow elixir
Gert Pikkor (s. 08.07.1988)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 3
natural health products
functioning supplements
muslin cotton clothes
plant power
goli nutrition
immune boosting supplements
functional supplements online
muslin cotton clothing
plant-based supplements
frank fruities gummies
goli nutrition gummies
free shipping supplements
vitamin gummies for kids
muslin cotton baby clothes
vegan nutrition gummies
orthomol sports supplements
ashwagandha gummies
apple cider vinegar gummies
muslin fabric clothing
plant power
goli nutrition
supporting immunity
natural ingredients
frank fruities
vitamins and minerals
energy sources
muslin cotton products
Õnne-Mare Sagur (s. 26.01.1973)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 11
natural health products
sale of natural products
face and body care
natural dietary supplements
essential oils
natural products online store
organic face care products
natural body care essentials
herbal supplements shop
aromatherapy oils online
essential oils for wellness
carrier oils for skin
massage oils organic
hydrosols natural skincare
vitamins from natural sources
mineral supplements organic
superfoods for health
discounted natural goods
organic losjons
natural soaps
body oils
face oils
body care products
facial products
other business assistance services
other production
Inge Vallner (s. 24.01.1962)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Limited partner
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 21