Siim Padu (s. 24.09.1994)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 2
well cleaning services
well accessories
mineral resources and natural resources
drilling wells
manufacture of cell wells
well location determination
construction of sewerage wells
installation of septic tanks
construction of drainage wells
construction of sewerage lines and suction areas
drilling of masts, posts, foundation holes
construction of water trails
installation of pump and hydrofor
sale of concrete elements
cleaning and repair of wells
mineral resources
sewerage lines construction
septic systems installation
natural resources
drilling wells services
cell wells manufacturing
sewerage wells construction
drainage wells construction
suction areas construction
foundation holes drilling
water trails construction
pump and hydrofor installation
concrete elements sale
determination of location of well
construction of sewerage wells and installation of septic tanks
Priit Kommusaar (s. 19.03.1985)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 14
well cleaning services
well accessories
hydrogeological works
drilling wells
drilling wells
drilling well construction
elimination of wells
design of wells
drilling well cleaning
repair of wells
construction of waterways
construction of water trails
professional of purchased functions,
vertical maky
cleaning, remont, care
water rasses
water care device
water administration device
drilling new wells
repair and restoration of boreholes
well-clearing services
project documentation
acquisition of use and occupancy permit
environmental impact assessments
consultations on regulatory compliance
construction of wells
Mikk-Hardi Tuisk (s. 09.10.1991)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 10
well cleaning services
well restoration
excavation work
water quality improvement
well maintenance
well digging solutions
cleaning of ointment well
construction engineering for wells
well renovation experts
professional well cleaners
digging new wells
clear water solutions
cleaning the well
digging the well
renovation of the well
construction of a water route
construction of the well house
installation of water pump
construction of a new well
finding the location of a groundwater source
traditional digging methods
tray well cleaning
improving water quality
cleansing of wells
well renovation
other services (e.g. shaft systems, pipework)
special construction work