sewage treatment plant
energy and mineral resources
mineral resources and natural resources
street lights
construction work for waste water treatment, water treatment plants and waste incineration plants
architectural, engineering and survey services
construction work on pipelines, communication and power lines, roads, roads, airfields and railways; coating work
construction inspection services
geotechnical services
maintenance services of public lighting equipment and traffic lights
pipeline design services
development consultancy services
pressure washer
construction work for waste water treatment plants
construction work for water and sewerage pipelines
construction work for waste water pumping stations
construction work on pipelines, communication and power lines
special purpose motor vehicles
installation of external lighting
motor vehicles
surface coating works for sports fields
mechanical buckets, excavators and paddock loaders and mining machinery
construction work on commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, transport-related buildings
groundwater treatment
water pumping
aeration piping
channel washing with pressure washer