Aiko Patlep (s. 01.11.1983)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 7
installation of radiators
cooling and air conditioning systems, heat pumps
air conditioning systems
water supply
plumbing services
installation of sanitary equipment
heating system installation
construction of sewerage pipelines
installation of heating piping
pipeline welding work
heating equipment construction and repair
construction of boiler systems
floor heating
heating automation
ventilation systems
climate control installations
internal and external water supply
santehnical works
pipeline and heating installation
Ever Patlep (s. 12.09.1986)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 7
installation of radiators
cooling and air conditioning systems, heat pumps
air conditioning systems
water supply
plumbing services
installation of sanitary equipment
heating system installation
construction of sewerage pipelines
installation of heating piping
pipeline welding work
heating equipment construction and repair
construction of boiler systems
floor heating
heating automation
ventilation systems
climate control installations
internal and external water supply
santehnical works
pipeline and heating installation
Oleg Parviste (s. 02.11.1986)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 13
installation of radiators
construction and real estate
diamond drilling and sawing
installation of water, sewerage and heating pipelines
pe pipeline welding
septic tanks, cleaners, containers for sale
digging with excavators
installation of pipes
tig welded stainless welding
copper tube soldering
bending of pipes up to 28mm
pipeline pressure samples and leak tests
pressure samples and leak tests
walls / floors
dry and wet drilling
drilling up to 230mm
soldering and welding
repair and maintenance
demonstration and disposal
laser equipment
food industry
industrial environment
thermal assemblies for district heating
floor heating pipes
installation of heating boilers
searching for cables in the ground
excavation and transport services
Sander Sandrak (s. 11.06.1990)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 11
installation of radiators
piping installation
heating installation
installation of air conditioning systems
heating systems
heating and cooling
heat pumps
air-to-air heat pumps
maintenance of the heating system
air conditioning service
ventilation systems
plumbing installation
installation of heating systems
installation of heating and cooling equipment
installation of heat pumps
floor heating installation
maintenance of heating systems
air-air heat pumps
installation of air conditioners
air-conditioning maintenance
installation of air purifiers
pipeline repair
installation of heat exchangers
pipeline optimization
pipeline and heating installation
Juri Fjodorov (s. 09.10.1984)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 18
installation of radiators
heat pumps installation
sanitary technical works
systems design
ventilation work
water supply and sewerage works
sprinkler and firefighting
installation of heating pipes
ventilation system installation
installation of sewage pipes
santechnical installation
installation of gas boiler
installation of heating pumps
floor heating system installation
heating works
sewer works
water supply
installation work of heating systems
installation and repair of pipes
installation of sanitary equipment
water heating systems
water purification systems
installation of heating equipment
heat pumps
pipeline and heating installation
Rinno Lell (s. 02.08.1964)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 25
installation of radiators
radiator installation
installation of heating solutions
heating systems - installation, maintenance and repair
radiators - installation, replacement
melting pipes
heating systems maintenance
radiators replacement
professional pipework services
heating solutions installation
radiator installation services
pipe thawing services
frequency converter pumps
energy-saving heating pumps
quiet operation circulation pumps
easy maintenance heating systems
long-lasting pump reliability
comprehensive pump protection
submersible pumps with sand resistance
intelligent pressure relay for hydrophore
installation of heating systems
construction, maintenance and repair of heating systems
radiators - installation, replacement
melting of water and sewer lines (pipes)
construction and repair of water and sewer lines inside and outside the house
frequency converters
pressure meters
smart hydrophores
digital control systems
Herol Bahmatšev (s. 11.12.1990)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 8
installation of radiators
construction of sewerage lines
construction of heating systems
heat supply
thermal assemblies
water supply and sewerage
maintenance of ventilation systems
ventilation work
installation of rainwater systems
heating and heat supply works
indoor and outdoor water supply works
internal and external sewerage works
installation of sanitary devices
in-building sewage
rainwater pipelines and rainwater tanks
drainages for external drainage
rainwater drainage for parking lots
septics, tanks and suction areas
boilers and assembly of assemblies
connection of heat nodes
in-house heating lines
heating systems
santechnical works
installation of equipment
santehnical works
Merlis Malm (s. 28.05.1983)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 9
installation of radiators
construction of trails
water supply
plumbing services
installation of sanitary equipment
heating system installation
construction of sewerage pipelines
installation of heating piping
pipeline welding work
construction of roads
heating equipment construction and repair
construction of boiler systems
floor heating
installation of boilers
internal and external water supply
pipeline and heating installation