Himot-Märt Ilus (s. 29.10.1980)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 18
bonfire bases
sauna heaters
electric coils
calculation of the power of the heater
control units
sauna climate
additions of scissors
whirlpool accessories
heat exchangers
smoke pipes
water tanks and boilers
sauna construction
ready saunas
sauna stages
sauna materials
stoves and ovens
sauna accessories
sauna bunches and buckets
sauna ladles, mugs, jugs
the sauna stage
sauna decorative tiles
sauna thermometers
smoke ovens
smoke oven accessories
charcoal grills
grill accessories
body rubbers and bath salts
face and body
Vahur Värav (s. 01.08.1986)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 13
bonfire bases
hiking clothes
interior bonfire bases
bonfire bases for home
decorative bonfire bases
indoor bonfire design
outdoor bonfire stands
hunting clothes
hunting apparel
hiking apparel
hunting and hiking gear
durable hunting clothes
waterproof hiking clothes
outdoor adventure clothing
hunting and hiking outfits
field bonfire bases
interior campfire trays
outdoor clothing
bonfire trays
hunting and hiking clothes
elegant campfire trays
customized campfire trays
environmentally friendly materials
durable hiking equipment
hunting garments with landscape pattern
breathable fabrics
3-hark barbecues