Ago Jürgenson (s. 04.06.1959)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 28
soil excavation
brush cut with guillotine
planning work
excavation service
kitebest oü
renting of cutting machines
planting plants
cleaning work
colon truncation
reducing scrub
cutting plants
site planning
designing the surroundings
construction of squares
planting hedges
construction of excavation road
organisation of excavation works
termination of excavation
dung warehouse
precision sowing
võisa maintenance service
shrub pruning service
cutting brush with guillotine
removal of the brush with guillotine
digging a ditch
Janno Jürgenson (s. 11.12.1989)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 10
soil excavation
brush cut with guillotine
planning work
excavation service
kitebest oü
renting of cutting machines
planting plants
cleaning work
colon truncation
reducing scrub
cutting plants
site planning
designing the surroundings
construction of squares
planting hedges
construction of excavation road
organisation of excavation works
termination of excavation
dung warehouse
precision sowing
võisa maintenance service
shrub pruning service
cutting brush with guillotine
removal of the brush with guillotine
digging a ditch
Helmo Toots (s. 02.07.1982)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 7
soil excavation
excavation and earthworks services
lifting work
excavation work
land clearing services
earthworks services
site preparation services
heavy lifting services
lifting work services
excavation work companies
professional earthmoving
construction site excavation
earthmoving contractors
earthworks and grading
lifting solutions for construction
bulk earthworks
excavation and soil work
lifting works
ditch digging
landscape construction work
digging the foundation
raising weights
raising equipment
transport of material
crane works
soil stabilization
erosion control