Marek Metsla (s. 31.07.1980)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 19
air purifier
air purifier for allergy and asthmatics
ionizer air purifier
filter-free air purifier for virus removal
cold plasma air purifier
commercial air purifier
air purifier kits
home products
moisture remover
air humidifier
accessories and filters
high performance product
air conditioner and air coolers
air transport hoses and accessories
welding socket filtration system
heating equipment
work tent
detection and elimination of leaks
odour removal, disinfection and pest control equipment and equipment
tools and tools accessories
industrial vacuum cleaner
thermal camera
operating lamps
marker colours
air purifiers
drilling, threading tools
screwing tools
cutting, grinding accessories
hand tools
marking equipment
measuring instruments
boxes, bags, countertops
clothing, safety at work
gas, burners, soldering flasks
cutting and grinding accessories
drilling tools online
threading tools for sale
professional screwing tools
precision marking equipment
measuring instruments shop
tool storage solutions
work safety clothing
industrial gas burners
soldering flasks supply
hss metal drills
sds plus drill bits
tct drill bits for hard materials
masonry drilling tools
drilling, threading tools
cutting, grinding accessories
marking equipment
boxes, bags, work surfaces
clothing, safety at work
Martynas Švedas (s. 13.09.1976)
- Board member
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 12
drilling, threading tools
screwing tools
cutting, grinding accessories
hand tools
marking equipment
measuring instruments
boxes, bags, countertops
clothing, safety at work
gas, burners, soldering flasks
cutting and grinding accessories
drilling tools online
threading tools for sale
professional screwing tools
precision marking equipment
measuring instruments shop
tool storage solutions
work safety clothing
industrial gas burners
soldering flasks supply
hss metal drills
sds plus drill bits
tct drill bits for hard materials
masonry drilling tools
drilling, threading tools
cutting, grinding accessories
marking equipment
boxes, bags, work surfaces
clothing, safety at work
Jaanus Liba (s. 20.04.1978)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 4
- Business experience (for years):
- 8
air purifier
air purifier for allergy and asthmatics
ionizer air purifier
filter-free air purifier for virus removal
cold plasma air purifier
commercial air purifier
air purifier kits
home products
moisture remover
air humidifier
accessories and filters
high performance product
air conditioner and air coolers
air transport hoses and accessories
welding socket filtration system
heating equipment
work tent
detection and elimination of leaks
odour removal, disinfection and pest control equipment and equipment
tools and tools accessories
industrial vacuum cleaner
thermal camera
operating lamps
marker colours
air purifiers