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WE DO FINE HARDWAREWe have a wide portfolio of in-house services starting from cutting sheets, tubes and to give the part or product its genuine and permanent a

Services - Torm Metall OÜ

We have a wide portfolio of in-house services starting from cutting sheets, tubes and to give the part or product its genuine and permanent appearance we can offer powder coating. We process carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium and we are capable of handling every request from start to finish. With our fiber lasers we can cut sheets and tubes also from copper, brass and titanium besides other common metals. We handle the packing and logistics in order to optimize the delivery terms. You are welcome to challenge us.

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TORM METALL OÜ tegevusaruanne 2022

Torm Metall OÜ on Eestis asuv ettevõte, mille põhitegevuseks on metalltoodete tootmisteenuse pakkumine. Ettevõte on spetsialiseerunud mitmesugustele teenustele,
Torm Metall OÜ on Eestis asuv ettevõte, mille põhitegevuseks on metalltoodete tootmisteenuse pakkumine. Ettevõte on spetsialiseerunud mitmesugustele teenustele, sealhulgas lehtmaterjali laserlõikusele, vesilõikusele, profiilmaterjali laserlõikusele, painutusele, keevitamisele, pulbervärvimisele, koostamisele ning teistele metallitöödele. 2022. aastal töötas ettevõttes keskmiselt 177 inimest, mis on 10 inimest rohkem kui eelmisel aastal, kui töötas keskmiselt 167 inimest. Tööjõukulud olid 2022. aastal 4 353 534 eurot, mis on veidi suurem kui 2021. aastal, mil tööjõukulud olid 4 290 955 eurot.

Quality, environment, health and safety - Torm Metall OÜ

From day one the quality we offer and the challenges related has been the reason why we keep going and our customers stay and grow with us. As we have taken too
From day one the quality we offer and the challenges related has been the reason why we keep going and our customers stay and grow with us. As we have taken too seriously the promises we have made to our customers we’ve been able to increase our customer base year by year. We strive to achieve 100% delivery accuracy and reliability despite the feeling that the complexity of our business is growing day by day. We take full responsibility for the impact of our operations to the environment and we work systematically to minimize our footprint. We make no compromises in our workers’ health and

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