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AMIKI Children is filling a gap in the children’s sleepwear market, which tends to be filled with ordinary cartoon themed pyjamas and boring synthetic nightdres

Children´s sleepwear brand AMIKI

AMIKI Children is filling a gap in the children’s sleepwear market, which tends to be filled with ordinary cartoon themed pyjamas and boring synthetic nightdresses that aren’t breathable, are too tight and lack of style.

We have produced exclusive children’s nightwear in Estonia for 7 years according to all European standards regarding fair salaries, safety regulations and use OEKO TEX fabrics to provide high-quality product to our customers. All our products are machine washable.

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AMIKI CHILDREN OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

AMIKI Children OÜ on lasterõivaste tootmise ja müügiga tegelev ettevõte, mis keskendub kvaliteetsete ja stiilsete rõivaste pakkumisele lastele.  Ettevõtte peami
AMIKI Children OÜ on lasterõivaste tootmise ja müügiga tegelev ettevõte, mis keskendub kvaliteetsete ja stiilsete rõivaste pakkumisele lastele. Ettevõtte peamine eesmärk on pakkuda mugavaid ja vastupidavaid rõivaid, mis vastavad nii vanemate kui ka laste vajadustele ja ootustele. 2023. aasta oli AMIKI Children OÜ jaoks edukas ja mitmekülgne. 2023. aastal ulatus ettevõtte müügitulu 244 970 euroni ja kasum 14 700 euroni. Võrreldes 2022. aastaga, mil müügitulu oli 360 908 eurot ja kasum 6 241 eurot, on toimunud teatud langus, kuid siiski suudeti saavutada positiivne kasumimarginaal.

Amiki Sleepwear: Building a Sustainable Business for a Better Planet

In today\'s world, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. As we become more aware of the impact that our actions have on the environment, it\'s
In today\'s world, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. As we become more aware of the impact that our actions have on the environment, it\'s more important than ever for businesses to take responsibility and make a positive change. That\'s why Amiki Sleepwear is committed to building a sustainable business that protects our planet and creates a better world for our children. At Amiki Sleepwear, we believe that comfortable and beautiful pyjamas create a magical world of dreams for our children. But we also believe that it\'s our responsibility to ensure that those dreams are

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