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Tegevusaruanne 2023
RMSP Management Consulting main operation is in providing management consulting and advisory services, primarily in the field of Revenue Management and Pricing.
Beings focused on the travel industry and particularly aviation, key clients are commercial airlines operating scheduled passenger and/or cargo services.
Management processes are frequently linked or influenced by software tools in use, their integration and functionalities they provide. These include pricing, inventory optimization, forecasting tools and various other software solutions used in commercial operations, such as customer management, reporting and others. Management consulting would be incomplete without taking into consideration technological aspects and possibilities of clients, and to ensure high service quality, RMSP Management Consulting often closely cooperates with software providers or technology companies.
RMSP Management Consulting is also active in field of education, with lectures, seminars or trainings on topics of commercial aviation and revenue management. Major recipients are educational institutions, professional organizations, software and technology providers or airlines themselves.
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