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Jānis Mozga

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SONORA EKSPEDICIA OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

In 2023, the company increased the company’s turnover and profit thanks to cooperation with partners in Europe and Central Asia. The entire turnover was the result of the effective work of the company's management. In connection with geopolitical events, each partner from Central Asia with whom there was cooperation is checked by internal audit through sanctions bases. There are plans for 2024 to complete deals that began at the end of 2023. Hire a logistician to process data and also develop European markets more actively to reach up to 20% of turnover.


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SONORA RW OÜ tegevusaruanne 2023

In the 2023, company has increased turnover operations with Uzbekistan customers thanks to cooperation with European partners. In the 2023, company has increas
In the 2023, company has increased turnover operations with Uzbekistan customers thanks to cooperation with European partners. In the 2023, company has increased warehouse operations thanks to new lease Agreement with warehouse located at Kurna tee 14, Kiili township, Kiili municipality, 75401 Harju County. However the profit decreases due to investing in warehouse operation developing. Some time has needed to fill up the extension of warehouse space. In the 2024 company is continuing to cooperate with Central Asia and developing new European markets. When turnover increases up to 50%,

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