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full load transport, same day transport, distribution transport, freight transport, transport of construction materials, transport of products, carriage of eurobases, organisation of special transport operations, Combined transport, partial load transport


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's activity report 2022



Pajuste Transport, a renowned transport company based in Estonia, has recently released its financial report for the fiscal year 2022. The company's primary business activity for the year was road freight transport, a sector classified under the EMTAK code 49411. This code is a specific classification for land transport services, including freight transport services on the road. It's a sector that plays a crucial role in the economy, facilitating the movement of goods across the country and beyond.



Pajuste Transport has been a significant player in this sector, providing reliable and efficient road freight transport services within Estonia. The company's commitment to quality service delivery has been a key factor in its success, ensuring that goods reach their destination safely and on time. This has not only earned the company a good reputation but also contributed to its financial performance in the 2022 fiscal year.

In terms of workforce, OÜ E.


Pajuste Transport operates on a lean model, with an average number of workers being one. This might seem unusual for a transport company, but it's a testament to the company's operational efficiency. The company has been able to maintain a high level of service delivery with a small team, thanks to its strategic approach to operations and the use of modern technology.

The company's use of advanced logistics and transport management systems has enabled it to optimize routes, manage schedules effectively, and track shipments in real-time. This has not only improved service delivery but also reduced operational costs, contributing to the company's financial performance.

In conclusion, OÜ E.


Pajuste Transport's financial report for the 2022 fiscal year reflects its commitment to providing reliable and efficient road freight transport services in Estonia. Despite operating with a small team, the company has been able to maintain a high level of service delivery, thanks to its strategic approach to operations and the use of modern technology. As the company moves forward, it will be interesting to see how it continues to leverage these strengths to drive growth and profitability.


Mida kliendid arvavad?

Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Anna K.

Suurepärane klienditugi ja paindlikud lahendused.

Meie koostöö on olnud sujuv ja tõhus.


- Martin P.

Suurepärane teenus, kiire ja täpne kaubavedu!

Olen väga rahul.

- Kärt M.

E.P. Pajuste Transport pakub suurepärast logistikateenust, aidates meil tõhusalt hallata meie tarneahelat.

Soovitan soojalt!


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