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We specialize in the development, production, and sales of eco-friendly cleaning and disinfectant products.

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Company Story

At ESTKO AS, we believe that the essence of a clean environment starts with the products we use. Our journey began with a simple mission: to create cleaning solutions that not only perform exceptionally but also tread lightly on our planet. We specialize in the development, production, and active sales of cleaners and disinfectants that are as kind to the earth as they are effective.

Our range of products, from eco-friendly cleaning agents to special-purpose substances, is designed with both the user and the environment in mind. We take pride in our Ecolabel-certified products, a testament to our commitment to sustainability. Whether it's for maintenance cleaning, personal hygiene, or industrial applications, our products meet the highest standards of eco-friendliness and efficiency.

Our slogan, 'Clean Consciously, Live Sustainably!', is more than just a catchphrase; it's a reflection of our dedication to providing solutions that help maintain cleanliness without compromising the well-being of our ecosystem. From FBK cleaning supplies to cleaning machines, every item in our extensive catalog is crafted to support a sustainable lifestyle.

Join us in our mission to revolutionize the cleaning industry. Choose ESTKO AS for products that empower you to make a positive impact on the world, one clean space at a time.

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What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Anna K.

ESTKO tooted on muutnud meie kodu puhtamaks ja keskkonnasõbralikumaks. Suurepärased tulemused!

- Martin L.

Olen äärmiselt rahul ESTKO puhastusvahenditega. Nad teevad imelist tööd ilma keskkonda kahjustamata.

- Marko R.

ESTKO puhastusmasinad on aidanud meil töökohal efektiivsust suurendada, olles samal ajal keskkonnasõbralikud.

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