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PÄRNU PEREARSTID OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 3,271 peopleand his is followed by 6 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 3.9 points.and commented 6 times.
's activity report 2022
OÜ Pärnu Family Doctors was established on 15.12.1997 with a starting capital of 14 000 EEK. In 1999, the share capital was increased to 42 000 kroons.
The main activity of the company is the provision of general medical services - EMTAK code 86211.
During the reporting period, 2 family doctors left the company and their shares were bought back. The nominal value of one share is 319 euros and a total of 70823 euros has been paid for the shares. During the reporting period, the share capital was reduced by 638 euros, 2 shares with a nominal value of 319 euros each were cancelled. As of 31.12.2022, the share capital is 4785 euros.
There are 13 family doctors working in the company.
The main goal of the company is to provide high-quality primary medical care based on a contract with the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, to train personnel for the provision of high-quality, science-based services based on current knowledge and to ensure preventive activities. The emphasis is on contributing to the improvement of health outcomes for people through the collaborative work of family doctors and nurses, enhancing preventive counselling and diagnostics.
Revenues and expenses
The revenues from Health Insurance Fund services and other economic activities were 4 694 996 euros in 2022,
The main growth in sales revenue was made up of services sold to the Estonian Health Insurance Fund.
The remaining revenues are paid services, such as driver's commission, gun permit, vaccination, health check.
The structure of costs was mainly made up of labour costs. The total amount of wages, together with social taxes, was 2 386 987 euros.
Expenditure on research and analysis was 845 971 euros.
The largest suppliers are SA Pärnu Hospital, to whom we pay rent for premises in the amount of 182 977 euros.
In cooperation with the hospital, analyses and studies are ordered from there. 13 cars have been leased from SEB Leasing. In 2022, the usage rent amounted to 78 898 euros. The end of the usage period is May 2026. A contract has been signed with AS Olerex for the purchase of car fuel. The computer maintenance contract has been signed with OÜ Nelli, from where we also purchase new computers.
The software package Family Doctor 2 support and maintenance contract has been signed with AS Medisoft. The accounting and payroll program is from Merit Software.
The company's depreciation of fixed assets in 2022 amounted to 15 383 euros.
On 01.12.2022, family doctor Siiri Alliksoo retired from the company. As of 03.12.2022, family doctor Kersti Gailit left our ranks. The company continues to work with 13 family doctors until new family doctors are found for the vacant lists.
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