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Ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
GARAZINE DEVICE, machinery and tools, Lifters, exhaust exhaust system, Bodywork equipment, Air Conditioner Maintenance Equipment, Fuel and oil additives, Oil equipment, Tyre equipment, Compressed air tools


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TECALEMIT AS hetkeolukord

Juba 16,322 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 39 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.3 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 2 korda.

's activity report 2022

In the year 2022, AS Tecalemit, a well-established company, continued its operations in the direction of garage and car maintenance equipment, as well as cleaning and ventilation equipment sales. This strategic move was a continuation of their established business direction, demonstrating their commitment to providing high-quality products and services in these areas. The company's turnover for the year 2022 was 835 thousand euros, showing a slight increase from the previous year's turnover of 793 thousand euros. This increase in turnover, albeit small, is a positive sign of the company's steady growth and its ability to maintain a stable financial performance despite the challenging economic conditions. However, the financial year 2022 was not without its challenges for AS Tecalemit. The company reported a loss of 53 thousand euros, a significant increase from the loss of 17 thousand euros reported in 2021. This increase in loss is a concern and indicates the need for the company to review its financial strategies and operations to improve its profitability. AS Tecalemit is a small but dedicated team of 6 employees. Despite the small size, the team is committed to driving the company's growth and improving its financial performance. The company's goal for 2023 is to improve its economic results, a clear indication of its commitment to turning around its financial performance. The company's key ratios for the years 2022 and 2021 were as follows: Gross profit margin (%) was 34.1 in 2022, up from 33.2 in 2021. Net profit margin (%) was -6.3 in 2022, a significant decrease from -2.1 in 2021. The solvency ratio was 3.9 in 2022, down from 4.3 in 2021. These ratios are calculated using the following formulas: - Gross profit margin (%) = (sales revenue - goods, raw materials, and services) / sales revenue x 100 - Net profit margin (%) = net profit / sales revenue x 100 - Solvency is the company's ability to meet short-term obligations as of the balance sheet date. In calculating the ratio, liquid current assets are divided by short-term obligations. These ratios provide a clear picture of the company's financial health and its ability to generate profits and meet its financial obligations. The decrease in the net profit margin and solvency ratio in 2022 is a concern and indicates the need for the company to improve its profitability and financial stability.

TECALEMIT AS kontaktid

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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Martin P.

Suurepärane kogemus garaažiseadmete paigalduselt. Kiire ja asjatundlik töö.

- Laura R.

Valisin garaažiseadmete hoolduseks nad ning ei kahetse. Professionaalne lähenemine ja kiire reageerimine.

- Priit L.

Minu ettevõttesse soovitasid nad parimaid tööstusseadmeid ja tarvikuid.


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