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UWEKO AS hetkeolukord

Juba 4,837 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 32 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.4 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 41 korda.

's activity report 2022

The operating year 2022 was successful for AS Uweko. The company's main products are steel pipes and the associated steel fittings.

Success is associated with the company's good location, competent staff, and long-term specialization in its field. AS Uweko's operations are not affected by the season. The Covid virus caused some decline in economic results. The impact of the war that began on February 24 last year has been noticeable in the construction market. The sharp increase in turnover is related to the rising prices of raw material purchases in previous years, which in turn are reflected in sales prices. The increase in turnover was also supported by the fact that with the start of the war, there was a large deficit of construction materials in the construction market, uncertainty about the future, and a buying frenzy caused by the war. Having a large warehouse, we were able to serve more customers than expected.

The company plans to invest approximately 100,000 EUR in 2023 in the necessary equipment and machines for the development of the warehouse complex.

The added value of the products offered is the cutting of pipe sizes and delivery to customers.

In 2022, Uweko AS employed 26 workers. The wage cost in 2022 was 805,373 EUR, of which 598,009 EUR was the wage cost and 207,364 was the social tax cost.

In 2022, Uweko UAB employed 4 workers, whose wage cost, together with the taxes applicable in the Republic of Lithuania, was 225,367 EUR.

Additionally, some ratios in percentages to characterize AS Uweko's 2022 operations:

Turnover growth 46.60

Profit growth 107.00

Gross profit margin 25.50

Net profitability 24.70

Short-term obligation coverage ratio(times) 13.80

ROA 26.10

ROE 28.00

Turnover growth = (sales revenue 2022 - sales revenue 2021) / sales revenue 2021*100

Profit growth = (net profit 2022 - net profit 2021) / net profit 2021*100

Gross profit margin = gross profit / sales revenue * 100

Net profitability = net profit / sales revenue *100

Short-term obligation coverage ratio(times) = current assets / short-term obligations

ROA = net profit / total assets *100

ROE = net profit/equity*100

UWEKO AS kontaktid


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