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ZOOVETVARU OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 4,295 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 26 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 19 korda.

's activity report 2022

The main activities of OÜ Zoovetvaru are the marketing of veterinary medicines, including production, registration and wholesale, and the wholesale of feed additives.

In 2022, OÜ Zoovetvaru's revenue amounted to 17,313,310 euros. Of the company's sales revenue, 69.6% was sales in Estonia and 30.4% was exports.

The target countries for export are the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, etc.

The net profit of OÜ Zoovetvaru for 2022 was 3,932,465 euros.

OÜ Zoovetvaru owns 100% of OÜ Interfarm Est shares.

The key financial ratios of OÜ Zoovetvaru were: 2021 2022

Sales revenue (thousand euros) 15440 17313

Revenue growth 10.63% 12.13%

Net profit (thousand euros) 3777 3932

Net profitability 24.46% 22.7%

Short-term obligations coverage ratio 4.46 5.64

ROA 24.48% 21.3%

ROE 29.61% 25.1%

The formulas used in the calculation of ratios: - Sales growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022 - sales revenue 2021)/sales revenue 2021 x 100 - Net profitability (%) = net profit/sales revenue x 100 - Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets/short-term obligations - ROA (%) = net profit/total assets x 100 - ROE (%) = net profit/equity x 100

The company has continuously invested in product development and the marketing of new veterinary medicines.

The average number of employees of OÜ Zoovetvaru in the financial year was 16 people and the total labor cost was 539,220 euros.

The remuneration of the company's board amounted to 28,096 euros in the financial year. The remuneration of the council members amounted to 25,752 euros. No compensation is paid to the members of the board and the council in case of termination of their contract.

The main goal of OÜ Zoovetvaru for the next financial year is to maintain the company's market position in the wholesale of veterinary medicines. Due to increased competition, the company's net profit may decrease in the following years. The company plans a 5% increase in sales revenue for 2023.

One of the management's priorities is to continue to increase the efficiency of the company and to develop exports.

The company's main activity is not cyclical and seasonal. The company's activities do not affect the environment and do not have social impacts.

The company's economic activity is in euros, so there are no currency risks.



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