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PRATEGLI INVEST OÜ current status
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's activity report 2022
Prategli Invest OÜ started operations in 2001. The company's main activity is real estate management.
Real estate is reflected in the reports using the fair value method.
In the reporting year, new developed properties were added to the portfolio at Laevastiku 3G, 3M, 3E in Tallinn and Kasesalu 10,
Both own funds and bank loans are used to finance operations.
In 2022, the company's board consisted of two members, who were not paid for their duties as board members. No benefits or payments are provided for board members in case of resignation or recall.
At the end of the year, Prategli Invest OÜ employed 5 full-time people.
The turnover for 2022 was 8.8 million euros and the net profit was 5 million euros.
In 2023, the search for new investment opportunities will continue.
The financial ratios for the fiscal year 2022 compared to 2021 were as follows:
Financial ratios 2022 2021
Sales revenue (EUR) 8,864,656 6,916,528
Sales revenue growth+ / decrease- (%) 28.17 28.69
Net profit (EUR) 5,085,583 10,475,559
Profit growth+/ decrease- (%) -51.45 241.38
Net profitability (%) 57.37 151.46
Short-term obligations coverage ratio 0.11 0.17
ROA (%) 8.53 19.86
ROE (%) 13.49 32.11
The formulas used to calculate the ratios:
Sales revenue growth (%) = Reporting year sales revenue * 100 / Previous fiscal year sales revenue - 100
Profit growth (%) = Reporting year net profit * 100 / Previous fiscal year net profit - 100
Net profitability (%) = net profit / sales revenue * 100
Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets / short-term obligations
ROA (%) = net profit / total assets * 100
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