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Ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
electrical equipment, installation of cables, Electrical construction, Construction of weak current systems, Design, installation of equipment, connecting cables and wires, maintenance of panels and shields, industrial enterprises, Shopping centres


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ENDCEL OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 29,225 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 25 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga aga kommenteeritud ei ole.

's activity report 2022

Endcel OÜ, a prominent company in the industry, has recently released its financial results for the past year. The company reported revenues from sales amounting to a substantial 396 thousand euros. This figure represents the culmination of the company's strategic efforts to enhance its product offerings and expand its customer base. The revenue generated is a testament to the company's robust business model and its ability to deliver value to its customers. Interestingly, the company did not make any significant investments in its fixed assets during the year. This decision could be attributed to a variety of strategic reasons. It is possible that the company already has a well-established infrastructure and did not see the need for further investment. Alternatively, the company might be focusing on optimizing its current resources and operations to maximize profitability. The year ended on a positive note for Endcel OÜ, as it reported a profit. This is a significant achievement, considering the challenging business environment. The profit margin indicates the company's strong financial health and its ability to manage its costs effectively. It also reflects the company's commitment to delivering shareholder value. Looking ahead, Endcel OÜ has confirmed that it will continue with its core operations in 2023. This suggests that the company is confident in the sustainability of its business model and sees potential for further growth in its main line of business. The company's decision to stick to its core operations could also be a strategic move to consolidate its market position and focus on areas where it has a competitive advantage. In conclusion, the financial results of Endcel OÜ highlight the company's strong performance and its ability to navigate the business landscape successfully. The company's decision not to invest in fixed assets and its plan to continue with its core operations in 2023 indicate a strategic approach to business growth. With its robust financial health and strategic focus, Endcel OÜ is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory in the coming years.

ENDCEL OÜ kontaktid

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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Liisa L.

Suurepärane teenus! Meie korteris tehtud elektritööd olid kiired ja professionaalsed.

- Mart J.

Tõeline professionaalsus ja kvaliteet. Tänud, et muutsite meie kontori elektrisüsteemi paremaks!

- Ene P.

Usaldusväärsed ja kvaliteetsed teenused. Meie maja elektrisüsteem töötab suurepäraselt!


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EE- Eesti


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