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We provide top-tier soil machines, lifting work, and inclination services to facilitate construction projects.

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Company Story

Welcome to a world where the ground beneath your feet is as solid as our commitment to excellence. At RAN & RENT OÜ, we're not just in the business of construction and real estate; we're in the business of building dreams from the ground up. Since our inception, we've dedicated ourselves to providing top-tier soil machines, lifting work, and inclination services that are the backbone of any successful construction project.

Our mission is simple yet profound: We provide top-tier soil machines, lifting work, and inclination services to facilitate construction projects. This mission drives us to deliver not just services, but solutions that elevate your project's potential, excavate with precision, and secure your investment's future. It's more than a mission; it's our promise to you.

With a fleet of state-of-the-art soil machines, we ensure that your project's foundation is as sturdy as it is dependable. Our lifting work services redefine efficiency, bringing an unparalleled level of expertise to the table. And when it comes to inclination service, we're the industry's benchmark, providing peace of mind with every angle we secure.

Our slogan, Elevate, Excavate, Secure!, encapsulates our ethos. We elevate your project's ambitions, excavate with care and precision, and secure your construction's integrity. With RAN & RENT OÜ, you're not just building structures; you're erecting landmarks that will stand the test of time.

Join us in laying the groundwork for a future that's as robust as our machinery and as ambitious as your vision. Together, let's turn the soil into milestones and the skyline into a testament of our shared success.

RAN & RENT OÜ contacts

What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Laura M.

RAN & RENT OÜ-ga töötamine oli suurepärane kogemus! Nende professionaalsus ja täpsus olid muljetavaldavad.

- Martin P.

Mul oli hea meel valida RAN & RENT OÜ oma projektiks. Nende kogemus ja teadmised tegid ehitustööde sujuvaks ja tõhusaks.

- Liina T.

Kiire ja usaldusväärne teenindus. Masinad olid tipptasemel ning teenindus meeldiv ja efektiivne.

Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia

Understanding inclination services in construction

Inclination services in construction refer to the methods and tools used to measure the tilt or deviation of structures from their intended vertical or horizontal orientation. These services are crucial for ensuring the safety and longevity of buildings and infrastructure by detecting potential issues before they become serious problems. Inclination services are applied in various construction scenarios, including the monitoring of skyscrapers, bridges, dams, and tunnels during and after construction to ensure they remain within safe operational limits. The Role of Inclination Services in


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The ultimate guide to safe lifting operations

Lifting operations are integral to the construction industry, where the movement of heavy materials is a daily necessity. Ensuring the safety of these operation
Lifting operations are integral to the construction industry, where the movement of heavy materials is a daily necessity. Ensuring the safety of these operations is not just a legal requirement but also a moral and economic one. In this guide, we delve into the essential aspects of conducting safe lifting operations, from equipment selection to operator training and regulatory compliance. Understanding the Basics of Lifting Equipment Lifting equipment encompasses a wide range of tools and machinery designed to move, lower, or raise loads, including cranes, hoists, forklifts, and winches.

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